Abomination of Desolation
Jesus said, “Therefore, when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet…. then there will be a great tribulation such has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall.” (Math.24: 15-21). This last 3 ½ year period of human history before Christ returns, starts at the mid-7 year point. The abomination of desolation will be the first ungodly & defiling act that launches it. This prophecy is not many years away.
The last 3 ½ years… (from Rev. 13: 1 - Rev. 20:3)
As horrific as the 1st 3 ½ years of the tribulation will be, the last 3 ½ years of great tribulation will be unconcienable. This period is also called the “wrath of God” (Rev.16:1) since the devil is allowed to bring the most terror, death & destruction upon the unrepentant human race since world history began 6000 years ago in the garden of Eden. There will never again be a more horrendous time on earth than this last period.
The false prophet himself will be solely in charge of “all” decision-making from the mid-7 year point & through the entire great tribulation. He will have full backing from his Euro-kingdom (EU) from where he arose. This is clarified in Rev.13:12 which identifies the exact mid-point of the great tribulation :
“And he (false prophet) “exercises all the authority of the 1st beast (the Euro- kingdom) in his presence.” (Rev.13:12).
[As Chapter 8 showed clearly, the False Prophet (Pope of Rome) is now positioned to become the ultimate decision-maker & loudest voice of the entire European Union, exactly as scriptures predict for these Times.]
the “start” of the Great Tribulation…. (the mid-7 year point)
Having been satanically empowered immediately at the exact mid-point of the 7 year tribulation (Rev.13:11,12) the false prophet’s first major move will be to re-locate his headquarters from Rome to Jerusalem.
Even though he will have made a “7 year agreement” with the Jews of Israel at the beginning of the 7 year period, “in the middle of the week (mid - 7 years) he will put a stop” to it, referring to the abomination of desolation. (Dan.9:27).
the Abomination of Desolation (Mid-7 years) …. (Math.24:15; Dan.9:27)
At the mid-7 year point, as the false prophet makes his way into the capital of the Holy Land, his first public gesture will be to enter into the newly-built temple in Jerusalem that the Jews will have been permitted to construct in the first 3 ½ years. (Rev.11: 1, 2). The last standing Jewish Temple was de- stroyed almost two thousand years ago in 70 AD by the Roman Empire.
Scriptures show that at this point, the false prophet from Rome will “oppose & exalt himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” (2 Thess.2: 4). This is the abomination of desolation.
Jesus confirmed that this public act in the Jerusalem temple is “the abom- ination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet”. (Math.24:15; Dan.9: 27). Like Daniel, Jesus also pinpointed this act of the false prophet as marking the beginning of the last 3 ½ years . Jesus said, “…When you see the abomination of desolation…. then there will be a great tribulation such has not occurred…..” . (Math.24:15-21).
Significantly, the false prophet’s act of physically sitting down in the temple shows another abominable aspect in his display of himself as being God. Jewish tradition requires that only an appointed Jewish high priest of God is to be seated in God’s temple. So, when the false prophet from Rome (a Gentile & non-Jew who shouldn‘t enter the temple in the 1st place)
“takes his seat in the temple of God”, then in effect, he is virtually thumbing his nose at God, at the Jews of Israel & at all which is sacred to the Jewish faith. Both John Paul II & Benedict have now started this
Bible prophecy in fast forward motion. [See News/Photos below].
Prophetically today, the table has already been set for this major Bible prophecy to occur. John Paul II’ s historic visit to the Holy Land in March of 2000 & his unprecedented entrance into a Jewish synagogue in 1986 as the first pope ever to do so in almost 2000 years of Catholic church history, has now made the “mid-point” of the 7 year tribulation a shocking near-future reality. [See News]. Also, thriving discussions to re-build the Jerusalem Temple exist today & are right on time prophetically. [ view news ]
Now, the current pontiff himself (Benedict) has been formally invited by Israeli President Moshe Katsav (Nov. 2005) & Sr. Israeli Leader Shimon Peres (April '06) to visit Israel no later than "the beginning of 2007". Peres said, " I do believe his (Benedict's) visit could have a positive impact on the peace process." [See News below]. In addition, Palestinian leader Abbas invited Benedict to the Holy Land (at the Vatican / Dec. 2005) saying that he (Benedict) “will be very welcome in Jerusalem & all the holy places.” [See News below]
Incredibly, what puts the abomination of desolation on even a faster track are Benedict's aggressive moves towards Jerusalem in his speeches & in his many meetings with Israel leaders at the Vatican concerning Mideast Peace. He has indicated that 2007 might be his 1st visit to Israel. Even more amazing is that barely 4 months into his papacy, Benedict capitalized on JP II’ s historic lead when he (Benedict) became only the 2nd pope in history to physically enter into a Jewish synagogue. [See News/Photos]
He was welcomed opened-arms (Aug. 2005) as the Jewish leaders & Chief Rabbi escorted him into the Jewish temple in Germany. “Visiting a synagogue is close to my heart….” the Pontiff remarked. Moments later, as a sizeable crowd of mesmerized photographers & admirers looked on, Pope Benedict took his seat inside the Jewish temple. [See News/Photos]