Major Bible prophecy soon to be fulfilled ....
Prophecies in the News Today that confirm His nearness...
return of Christ
(Rev. 19:11)
The Jerusalem Temple Mount will continue to become the world's hottest location & focul point in the news & world events of these End Times. It is sacred to the 3 religions who desire the legal rights to the MOUNT: Judaism, Islam and the Roman Catholic church. [Zech 12:1-3].
the coming 3rd Temple...
Bible prophecy is clear that once a 7 year Mideast Peace Agreement is signed by the End Time Antichrist, then the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem will be built within the 1st 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation.
Revelation 11:2 clearly speaks of a Temple which is already built by the Mid-7 year point which Revelation pinpoints as being Chapter 13:1. [ see graph below ]
World reaction to the 3rd Temple:
Without a doubt, the constructing of this 3rd Temple during this first 3 1/2 year period will be a prime cause of the massive bloodshed, terror & death that will occur worldwide at that time. A "fourth" of the earth will die within months of the "start" of this 7 year period, partly from war. [Rev.6:4,8] [ see: W W 3 boiling ]
Abomination of Desolation [Dan.9:27]
Once it is completed, then Antichrist will be the ultimate world leader who will enter into the 3rd Temple at the exact Mid-7 year point of the 7 year Tribulation period.
The man of sin "takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as be- ing God." (2 Thess.2:4; Rev.13:1-18; Dan. 9:27). [ *View News / Abomination of Des ]
This act will launch the Great Tribulation period, the most horrific & deathly 3 1/2 year period that will ever occur in world history, all at the hands of Antichrist.

1000 year millienium reign of Christ on earth (Rev.20:6) > > > >
Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem; 1 of the most sacred locations in the world to Muslims.
The "wailing Wall" [ foreground ] is Israel's most sacred site, & is only yards away from the Dome of the Rock. The WALL was reconstructed with left-over sacred stones from the original 2nd Temple.
Today's Temple grid [ shown below ] is a sectioned off 35 acre lot in east Jerusalem. The western wailing wall is the only actual ancient remains leftover from the 2nd Temple of 2000 years ago when the Roman Empire destroyed it in 70AD.
"Third Temple" event on again;
Israel Gov't. sanctions laying of cornerstones
[ "2 4.5 ton blocks of marble will be anointed as cornerstones for the New Temple." ]
"Muslims welcoming 3rd Jewish Temple..."
"Israel bans Temple Mount ascent of 10,000 Jews"
Dec. 2006 / "Biblical Tour & march to the Temple Mount with Gershon Salomon"
3rd Temple dialogue / News :
[ CURRENT News on the 3rd Temple ]
the TEMPLE MOUNT, Jerusalem
the cause for today's Mideast wars and the Ultimate PRIZE for the Jews of Israel, the Muslims and the Roman Catholic church.
Major Bible prophecy in the News...
Model of the coming 3rd Jerusalem Temple
Since the re-birth of Israel as a nation in 1948, Israel & Jews worldwide are even more keenly aware of the absence of a Jerusalem temple for Jews to worship in.
After Israel's 1st temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by enemies, a 2nd temple was built (before Christ) only to be destroyed by the Roman Empire in 70AD.
Now, after almost 2000 years of having no temple, construction of the 3rd Jerusalem Temple is a thriving dialogue amongst the Jews of Israel. Prophetically, this is right on time with all other End Time prophec- ies which have divinely lined up together.
Major End Time Prophecy:
Building the 3rd Temple
Construction of the 3rd Jerusalem temple will begin soon after the signing of the 7 year Mideast Peace Agree- ment. [ Rev.11:2 ]
The temple will be finished completely by the Mid-7 year point. Revelation 11:2 states that the new Temple "will be tread under foot by the Gentiles for 42 months", during the next 3 1/2 years of Great Tribulation.
May 2009 / Jerusalem
Red Carpet for
the Pope's 1st Visit
[ Rev. 6:1 - 20:3 ]
more Temple Mount NEWS below
Sanhedrin / Re-convened 2005
to discuss building Jerusalem's 3rd Temple
ANTICHRIST Photo ID'd -- seated in Jewish Temple [ EXCLUSIVE, found nowhere else ]
UN Chief:
"Divide Jerusalem"
[ "a way must be found
... with arrangements for Holy Sites acceptable for all." ]
Israel Knesset Members and Leading Rabbis
attended Meeting
Model of Altar Built by Israel Institute: "....We really want a Temple ...."
Temple Institute Petitions Israel's Supreme Court to Offer a sheep for Passover Sacrifice
Israel Rabbi calls for
Animal Sacrifice on
Temple Mount
More Jews going to Temple Mount
1st Time:
On Temple Mount,
Priestly Blessing
Recited with hundreds of religious Jews
2nd Jerusalem Temple Identified underneath Temple Mount by prominent Israeli archaeologist [ ready to be excavated ]
Jerusalem archaeolo- gists find 2nd Temple priestly 'seal' under- neath Temple Mount
ISRAEL'S Deputy Knesset Chairman declares: "Temple Mount is ours !"
Key Zionist Org calls on Israel GOVT to allow all Jews access to Temple Mount
Jerusalem Jews Unite in Slaughter of Goat, Preparing for Pass- over & Re-Built 3rd Temple [ Photos ]
"Divide Jerusalem"
for Mideast Peace Debated by Israel's PM Netanyahu & Former PM Olmert
Temple Mount's 'Holy of Holies' Location desecrated by Muslims -- draws quick Israeli complaints
Jewish Party Leader Calls for Re-Building of Jerusalem 3rd Temple
ISRAEL "Dissolving" Dome of Rock Foundation to Build 3rd Jerusalem
Temple - says PA TV
August 8, 2012 / News: Israel "Dissolving" Muslim Dome of Rock foundation
-- to Build 3rd Jerusalem Temple
We stand with ISRAEL 100%
ISRAEL's New Wealth enables Pur- chase of 3RD TEMPLE Gold, Cus- tom Stones, Materials [ Apr 2013 ]
July 25, 2013 / EXCLUSIVE VIDEO
Historic VATICAN - ISRAEL Negotia- tions leading to End Time 7 Year Tribulation
ISRAEL to give POPE "Legal
Custody" of TEMPLE MOUNT
ISRAEL to give POPE "Legal
Custody" of TEMPLE MOUNT
3rd Jerusalem Temple ready to be Built ---- says top Islam Sheik
Top ISRAEL Rabbi confirms 3rd TEMPLE READY to be FAST- BUILT, knows Ark of Covenant location
Temple Mount
"by Next Year"
ISRAEL giving funds towards building the
Historic KNESSET Debate tackles Jewish rights & sovereignty at Jerusalem's
Israel's KNESSET forms Temple Mount Committee to review Jewish access to Mount
Israeli Institute Prepares Priests for Jerusalem's 3rd TEMPLE
*Recent Major News / Videos
3rd TEMPLE to
be BUILT by "MID"
7 Year Tribulation
August 2012 / Dome of Rock foundation eroded away
ISRAEL planning NEW 3rd TEMPLE
on RUINS of Muslim DOME of ROCK
Prime Jerusalem Organization AIMS to BUILD
DOME of ROCK to be "REMOVED" for
3rd Temple &
Jesus' Return
ISRAEL set for
7 Years, Dome of
Rock Removed &
3rd TEMPLE Built
Historic First-Ever Israel Court Ruling Allows Jews to
Pray on
*Exact Meaning of 1st Blood Moon on April 15, 2014 / 3rd Temple preparations
Architectural Plans
Have BEGUN to
Build the 3rd TEMPLE
( *VIDEO of appearance of coming Temple )
Israel's Temple Mount Jewish Priests call for Muslim DOME of Rock REMOVED, & 3RD TEMPLE Built