The term “antichrist”…
Variations of “antichrist” are used only 5 times in the Bible. (I John 2:18 (2x), v.22, 1 John 4:3, 2 John 7). It also is used to describe the future evil man commonly called the “antichrist”. The term is also used to generally describe anyone who “denies that Jesus is the Christ” (I John 2:22) causing John to also say “many antichrists have arisen.” (I John 2:18). He also stated of anyone who might oppose Christ that “This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father & the Son.” (I John 2:22). When he said that “you heard that antichrist is coming” (I John 2:18), he is referring to the coming End Time man of sin. John also uses the term to refer to the general spiritual mindset that denies Christ & which “is coming” upon the earth in the Last Days. Today, this mindset is prevalent globally as predicted for the End Times.
But, John referred to the coming 'man' as “antichrist” only once in his letters in 90 AD. [1John 2:18]. 5 years later in 95 AD's vision John was given a closer look at this 1-man, naming him as a 'False Prophet' in Revelation numerous times.
In fact, John never uses the term 'antichrist' even once throughout the book of Revelation,
having recognized the coming evil man's more crystallized profile to be a 'false prophet'.
Not “2” men coming…..
Within the body of Christ today (especially in the USA) there exists the erroneous teaching that there will be “2 men” coming in the Last Days. So far, this in- accurate teaching actually enhances the deception of who the antichrist really is & his true profile as shown in scriptures. Ironically, some of today's top prophecy authors & teachers who have been instrumental in popularizing "Bible Prophecy" are the same authors who have steered God's people into a lull & scriptural blindness concerning several key & vitally important End Time topics.
In addition to "Here is Wisdom's" accurate teaching concerning "just 1 man coming", other mishandled topics by today's popular authors are also handled accurately in this book including: the true profile of the man of sin, the true "timing" (not the day or hour) of the Rapture, the true meaning of "666", the accurate teaching of the "mark of the beast" & the true meaning & profile of the "Great Harlot" of Revelation.
But, today's popular yet erroneous teaching on this topic of "antichrist" tells us that there are "2 men" coming in the End Times: an “antichrist leader” possibly of military stature plus the false prophet, the “2nd man”. But, with close study of this Bible topic, it is 100% clear that there is not 1 scripture that even remotely suggests that there are “2 men” coming.
the "beast with 7 heads & 10 horns" : a "Kingdom" ONLY, NOT a MAN
Most all Bible scholars & prophecy authors all agree that this 1st “beast with 7 heads & 10 horns” (of Rev.13:1-10) most definitely symbolizes the Bible's history of the 7 world kingdoms on earth, including the final (7th) kingdom based in western Europe.
In fact, this is the only scripturally accurate interpretation. This is because John himself conclusively exlplains this 1st beast's exact meaning in Revelation Chapter 17:8-13. [ In Chapter 8 of this book, this "governmental" beast is elaborated on.].
But, today's error in believing that there are "2 men coming" stems by interpreting this beast not only as a “kingdom” (which is accurate) but also as representing “a man”, the “antichrist” figure himself. As emphasized, this inaccurate belief has blinded most of today’s people (both believers & ministers) as to the true profile of the man of sin. Most believers & prophecy "experts" are still looking for “2 men”. How many prophecy-books have been written by authors who still ponder the mystery of antichrist who “might even be alive somewhere today.…” ?
Typically, any mention of the “false prophet” from authors or USA ministers is minimal or goes unmentioned altogether. This current blindness amongst Bible teachers & the body of Christ epitomizes (up until now) the words of the Lord concerning the End Times. He said, “Many will be misled, even the elect (God’s people) if possible.” (Math.24:24).
John saw "these 2" in the vision: 1 man & 1 beast
In today's false notion of "2 men coming", the other key mistake commonly made deals with the verse in Rev.19:20. Here, the Apostle John sees the final doom of the 2 beasts of Rev. Chapter 13. Rev.19:20 states that "...these 2 were thrown alive into the lake of fire.....". Top prophecy authors immediately use this verse to wrongly & amazingly support the "2 man" theory.
However, from Apostle John's perspective, "these 2 live" beings were clearly diff- erentiated earlier in his vision to be a "false prophet" [obviously 1 man / Rev.16:13] & the "governmental" beast "with 7 heads & 10 horns" . (Rev.17:8-13). In fact, to make double-sure of this in Rev.19:20, John starts out by clarifying this again. He states, "And the beast was seized (with 7 heads & 10 horns) & with him the false prophet....". So to John, "these 2" (in Rev.19:20) are exactly consistent with what John had differentiated earlier. Namely, he saw only "1 man" (false prophet) along with the monstrous "live" beast (with 7 heads & 10 horns) . Both of whom were "alive" as they were "thrown into the lake of fire." So, no "2 men" theory has any merit here whatsoever.
There is one more important point to clarify in Rev.19:20 since many prophecy authors have drastically mishandled this verse in their efforts to create their "2 men" concept. The verse simply states that the "beast" (with 7 heads & 10 horns) was thrown into the lake of fire "and with him" the false prophet. Here, incredibly, prophecy authors have twisted the word "him" to also mean that the beast with 7 heads & 10 horns is also their made-up "antichrist-man". However, this term "him" in this context is simple & common everyday language. Obvious- ly, calling this "governmental" beast "him" is no different than if John (or anyone else) were to refer to some other "live" animal (like a bear, a lion or even a household "pet") as "him". Neverthetheless, many so-called Revela- tion "experts" continue with this obvious & elementary mistake.
Only 1 man coming: the False Prophet [Rev.13:11; Rev.16:13; 19:20; 20:10]
The Bible is clear that just “1” man is coming in the End Times. Script-urally, the “false prophet” is himself the sole “antichrist”. The Apostle John himself knew this in viewing both beasts of Revelation Chapter 13. Of the first beast, John only referred to it as “the beast” or “the beast with 7 heads & 10 horns”. (Rev.13:1-3). But, John later uniquely identifies this 2nd beast (Rev. 13:11) as also a “false prophet”, obviously a man . (Rev.16: 13, 19:20, 20:10). Clearly, John specifically pointed to a false religious leader who will appear on the world’s stage in the End Times. John provides alot of insight about this religious fraud in the book of Revelation of whose full profile is laid out in the next Chapters 6 through 10 with joltng clarity.
Dozens of shocking Headline News articles spotlight him as ready NOW to fulfill his role.
This false prophet is also called by Paul “that wicked one”, “the man of law- lessness”, the “son of destruction” & “the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of satan, with all power & signs & false wonders & with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish….”. (2 Thess. 2: 3-10).
The prophet Daniel also names him as “a despicable person” (Dan.11:21), a “king….insolent & skilled in intrigue” (Dan.8:23), a “little horn with eyes” (Dan.7:8) & “the prince who is to come” (Dan.9:26) to mention a few of Daniel’s ref- erences to this 1 man. Clearly, all 3 writers (Daniel, Paul & John) are unanimous in pinpointing just 1 man (not 2) who will appear in the End Times: the False Prophet.