He is near…
The Lord Jesus said,
“Even so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, even right at the door.” (Math.24:33).
Speculation of past generations who believed that they were witnessing the Biblical Last Days & the imminent return of Christ has been around for centuries.
But today, all Bible prophecies for the End Times have accelerated into place in the last 60 years so that this generation is suddenly looking “the end of the age” (Dan.12:13) squarely in the eyes. The Bible key that confirms which gen- eration is truly witnessing the Biblical End Time events, is when “all” of the prophecies of the Last Days line up simultaneously & globally in scope. Today, they are.
Many generations have seen various world leaders arise and/or world events shape up that caused that generation to believe that the fulfillment of End Time prophecies was occurring. However, up until now, no generation has ever wit-nessed “all” of the major Bible predictions for the End Times occurring simultaneously & globally in scope.
At the end of Jesus’ discourse on the prophecies which would take place right before His return, He said that His followers would accurately “recognize (to “know with deep conviction” in Greek) that He is near, even right at the door” . (Math.24:33). Not the “day or hour”, but the nearness. The specific criteria He gave believers was “When you see all these things….” occurring together .
He also confirmed that the generation which witnessed “all” these events occur- ring, would also witness the fulfillment & completion of “all” End Time events, including His return. “Truly I say to you, this generation (which sees all End Time events occurring) will not pass away until all things take place.” (Luke 21:32).
The formation of nations & the Re-birth of Israel as a nation...
One major sign Jesus said to watch for that would earmark the End Time generation is the aligning of nations as scriptures predict. He said, "Behold the fig tree & all the trees; as soon as they put forth their leaves, you see it & know for yourselves that summer is now near. Even so you, too, when you see these things happening , recognize that the kingdom of God is near…..” . (Luke 21: 29-31).
The “fig tree & all the trees” directly refer to Israel (the fig tree) & the other key nations (all the trees) which will arise in their predicted geographic positions. Today, these four key countries of the End Time scenario clearly have arisen simultaneously on the world’s stage as an unmistakable sign that this generation is literally that End Time generation foretold by Bible scriptures.
The Soviet Union has now become the super-power in the “remotest parts of the north” as predicted. (Ezek. 38: 15, Ezek. 39: 2). Moscow, its capital, is located exactly due north of Israel. China is also in position as the “kings from the east”. (Rev.16:12). The European Union (a union of countries) has also formed to the west of Palestine on old Roman Empire terrain. This is predicted in Daniel & the book of Revelation. (Dan.8: 8; Rev.17: 9, 10). And, Israel herself (the “fig tree”), has also been miraculously re-born as a nation in 1948 in a major fulfillment of End Time prophecies. (Ezek.38: 8).
Other End Time prophecies that are lined up now…
* Jerusalem has become the world’s hot spot & focul point of all the nations of the earth as scriptures predict. (Zech.12: 1- 3).
* The Mideast Peace talks to solve the continual violence & turmoil involving Israel & her hostile Arab neighbors are on the table right now for the world leader (antichrist) to mediate. (Dan.9: 27 / Rev.6:2).
* Corruption, crime & immorality are “increased” at all levels of society, religion & government worldwide. (Math.24:12; 2 Tim.3: 1-9).
* Many false Christs & false religious leaders have arisen worldwide who are mislead- ing millions of people with false, empty religions. (Math.24: 24).
* In the Last Days “knowledge will increase”. (Dan.12: 4) Clearly, this has occurred almost overnight with unparalleled information technology that has helped to “increase knowledge” in countless fields worldwide.
* The gospel of Christ is being preached around the world right now & to countries which have never heard it before. This is a key sign of the End Times, spoken of by the Lord Himself. (Math.24:14).
* Today’s famine, earthquakes, tsunamis & hurricanes are increasingly more intensi- fied & catastrophic on a worldwide scale with unprecedented effects.
(Math.24:7; Luke 21:25).
All of these prophetical occurrences happening together today are what Jesus called “birth pangs”. These “birth pangs”, He said, are what would lead the world right into the final 7 year period of history recorded in scriptures. Without any doubt, this generation is up close & personal with that next prophetical event right now.
But to believers the Lord said, “See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end… But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Then, they (the birth pangs) will deliver you to tribulation….” . (Math.24:6-9).
The Lord also exhorted His people who would actually be alive to see the shaping up of the foretold events as they have TODAY: "But, when these things begin to take place, straighten up & lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near!" [Luke 21:28].