A Revived old Roman Empire
According to the book of Revelation & Daniel, the final world kingdom on earth before Christ’s return will arise as a revived old Roman Empire from 2000 years ago. Geographically, it will arise to the west of Palestine / Israel & will literally have its root in the same territory in western Europe as did the Roman Empire of old. Today, the EU (European Union) clearly has taken the shape of this End Time kingdom & is ready to fulfill its role as the governmental “beast” of Revelation 13: 1- 3. Eventually, 10 nations out of the EU will arise together (including Rome, Italy) before the Great Tribulation begins.
“And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having 10 horns & 7 heads…..& I saw one of his heads as if had been slain, & his fatal wound was healed.” (Rev.13:1- 3).
In the Apostle John’s vision of Revelation in 95 AD, he recognized that the future End Time kingdom was directly linked to the horrific & murderous Roman Empire that he witnessed in his own era from 54 AD to 68 AD. The “10 horned, 7 headed beast” that he saw “coming up out of the sea” of humanity he understood to be the 1st century nightmare (the Roman Empire with its own Caesar at the helm), arising again into a monstrous Last Days kingdom.
According to Revelation, “Here is the mind which has wisdom.” (Rev.17:9). That is, the mind which understands this concept of the old Roman Empire with its own Roman “Caesar” as its leader, coming back to life again in the last generation. This “wisdom” is found in the meaning of the “7 heads”.
the “7 heads” are 7 world kingdoms….
The scenario of the old Roman Empire coming back to life is found in Revelation 17: 9, 10. Here, John defines the Roman origin of this End Time beast which had “one of his heads as if it had been slain.” (Rev.13:3).
The “7 heads” are shown to represent the 7 consecutive world kingdoms on earth as proven out by the Bible & world history. (*See GRAPH below). The 6th head represents the old Roman Empire of the 1st century under Caesar Nero.
History proves that Rome burned to the ground in 64 AD. This is why in John’s vision 31 years later this 6th head (Roman Empire) had the appear-ance to John “as if had been slain”. (Rev.13:3). But, then this 6th head “was healed”. (Rev.13:3). This shows that the 6th head will come back to life as the future “7th head” of the End Times. John confirms that this 7th head is to come in the future when he states that “the other (the 7th head) has not yet come…”. (Rev.17:10). Today, this “7th head” is in its place prophetically in the existence of the European Union, a revived & “healed” 6th head.
(*Note: Today in the body of Christ, an erroneous teaching exists about the “mortal head wound, that was healed” which wrongly portrays the future 'antichrist as sustaining a mortal head wound & dying, & then miraculously being resurrected back to life' . This has absolutely no scriptural merit what- soever & has been wrongly promoted by numerous authors & teachers.)
The “7 heads” also represent "7 mountains" : Rome (Rev.17: 9)
John stated that also “the 7 heads are 7 mountains on which the woman sits”. (Rev.17:9). Just like the other passages that point to an End Time Roman kingdom with an End Time Roman Caesar, this passage also puts its finger specifically on Rome as the End Time city of sin. From over 2000 years ago up until this day, Rome has always been known as “the city of 7 hills” since Rome physically rests upon 7 mountains. John himself knew this fact & understood the future of Rome for the End Times as he recorded his vision in 95 AD. Later, John specifically names the Great Harlot ("the woman who sits on 7 mountains") as being the city of Rome itself. In effect, John saw the "woman" (Rome) sitting on "7 hills" (Rome).
(Rev.17:18: "And the woman whom you saw is the great city (Rome), which reigns over the kings of the earth.")
Significantly, the only 2 Bible passages that begin in the same manner with the claim of “Here is wisdom” (Rev.13:18) & “Here is the mind which has wisdom” (Rev.17:9) both deal exclusively with the concept of the Roman Empire of the 1st century with its Roman leader at its helm & based in Rome, all arising together again in the End Times.
Prophetically today, this exact scenario is clearly in place right now & spring-loaded to be fulfilled in the climactic magnitude as described in the Bible prophecies for the Last Days :
a revived old Roman Empire… (Rev. 17: 9, 10)
The EU is the formation of a revived Roman Empire of western Europe. Just as scriptures predicted of the final End Time kingdom, the EU today is unquestionably the largest & most powerful economic trading block of nations on earth, second to none. The Treaty of Rome was originally signed in 1957 (in Rome) to establish the EU. [ *See News / following ].
Rome… (Rev.17: 9)
Italy is one of the member nations of the EU. This places Rome (the city of “7 hills”) in an official capacity of this revived Roman Empire (EU) just as scriptures predicted for the last generation. EU leaders signed a new EU constitution (bolstering the EU) in a lavish ceremony in Rome on October 29, 2004. [ *See News / following ].
Modern-day “Caesar”…. (Rev.13:18)
The Pope, a modern-day “Caesar” from Rome, sits right now within the EU’s powerful kingdom structure since the country of Italy is an EU mem- ber. Even though Italy has its own political electee as the “President” of Italy, the Vatican (the Pope) is unquestionably the ultimate power & authority of Italy (not to mention many Roman Catholic countries around the world who submit to the Papacy of Rome.).
So, with the EU’s current policy of authorizing each EU country to hold the EU’s presidency on a rotating basis every 6 months [*See articles below], then each time Italy holds the presidency, then the Pope himself sits as top authority & in the highest decision-making position possible, over the entire European Union. [ *See News / following ].
This is the exact scenario painted by Revelation for the End Times: A revived old Roman Empire having arisen in western Europe (EU), with the greatest religious icon on the world’s stage in the midst of it & seated in Rome (city of “7 hills”) as the final city of harlotry & sin.
This scenario was predicted also by Daniel who states that the future End Time leader will “seize the kingdom by intrigue”. (Dan.11:21). The “intriguing” aspect to the world in the End Times will be the fact that the ultimate ruler & prime controller who arises over the entire final kingdom (today’s EU) will be a “religious” leader, & not a “political” leader like the rest of the EU leaders. Daniel reaffirms this by stating that the End Time leader will be one “on whom the honor of kingship (political kingship) has not been conferred.” (Dan.11:21).
Today, these 3 major players of Bible prophecy (EU, Rome & the Pope) are in their prophetical positions & ready right now to quickly move into fulfilling their End Time roles.
False Prophet, the EU & the great tribulation…
During the first 3 ½ years of the tribulation, the false prophet will have the world’s eye. However, Revelation 13:1-18 shows that the revived Roman kingdom (today’s EU) & the false prophet (Rev.13:11) will work together in their full satanic & destroying powers in the great tribulation. Still, the false prophet himself will be the ultimate decision-making authority during these last 3 ½ years of horror, with full backing from his Euro-kingdom (EU).
“And he (false prophet) exercises all the authority of the (1st ) beast (EU) in its presence.” (Rev.13:12). *