Next Bible Events to Occur
The Bible predictions that relate to the End Times (Dan.11:35, 40) are shaped up right now in this generation & ready to be fulfilled in an awesome finale, just as scriptures show. As Jesus said, “When you see all these things, then know that He is near, even right at the door.” (Math.24:33).
These following Bible prophecies for the Last Days are still unfulfilled & are the next events that will occur prophetically. When they occur, they will be easily recognizable to the body of Christ & to those who hear God’s voice.
The “Signing” of a 7 year Peace Agreement for Israel & Mideast Peace
(Daniel 9:27; Dan.11:21-23)
This public event will be easily recognizable as it will be a top news story worldwide when it occurs. Today’s Mideast Peace discussions have clearly set the prophetical stage for this to occur at any time. Literally, this could take place today . Or, it may take a few more months or even several years to occur. But, prophecy-wise, there is no event holding back this “signing” from occurring next in world events. When it occurs, it will launch the final 7 year tribulation. (*see: “Mideast Peace” news articles in Chapters 3 & 7 of this book). The false prophet from Rome ["antichrist"] will mediate it.
Russia will send military forces southward towards the mountains of Israel to attack (Ezekiel 38: 15, 16)
This prophecy is shaping up to occur soon. It will occur either right before the “start” of the 7 year tribulation or right after the 7 year tribulation period starts. Scriptures point towards this occurring just after the 7 year tribulation begins. This is because on the “day” that this will occur then the “great earthquake” that is described in Ezekiel 38:19, 20 is described with almost identical terms in Revelation 6: 12-17, which is clearly right after the “start” of the 7 year tribulation.
As Russia “storms” militarily towards northern Israel (Ezek.38:8, 9) it will be accompanied by numerous other countries like: Iran (Persia), Libya (Put) & Turkey (Beth-togarmah), who all converge upon Israel. (Ezekiel 38: 5). Then, miraculously “on that day” (Ezek.38:14-18) , Israel will destroy “all” of the military troops who assembled against her on the mountains of Israel. (Ezek.39: 4, 5).
Israel’s incredible military victory plus the major earthquake (Ezek.38:19) that will have occurred on the same day, will confirm God’s divine favor towards Israel. Of that day, God’s Word says :
“And I (the Lord) shall magnify Myself, sanctify Myself, & make Myself known in the sight of many nations, & they will know that I am the Lord.” (Ezek.38:23).
The End Time Euro-kingdom will be made up of 10 nations…
Currently, the European Union has 27 nations who are “member” nations with a number of other countries also standing in line to join the EU. But, scriptures clearly show the End Time kingdom in western Europe as being comprised of only 10 nations. (Dan.7: 7, 24; Rev.13:1; Rev. 17: 7).
So, in the very near future, 10 nations will either rise together from within the current EU’s structure, establishing themselves as the greater western European entity, or the EU may voluntarily re-form itself into a smaller nucleus of 10 nations. This will be a news-worthy event.
Either way, Italy will definitely be included in this 10-nation alliance since Rome will be the headquarters within this final 10-nation kingdom. (Rev.17: 9, 10, 18). Conceivably, these 10 nations could join together within the first 3 ½ years of the tribulation. But, according to scriptures, this final “10-nation” union will definitely take it’s form by the “start” of the great tribulation period. This is confirmed in the first mention of the “10 horns” of this governmental “beast” at the mid-7 year point, shown in Revelation 13:1-10.
Importantly, as the great tribulation begins, “3” of the 10 nations will be “pulled out by their roots” (Dan.7: 8, 20) & “subdued” (Dan.7:24) as a result of the false prophet’s displeasure with them.
The gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth…
Another major End Time Bible prophecy which is in progress right now is the “preaching of the gospel” globally. Today, doors of opportunity have opened in countries (like the Soviet Union & Iraq) allowing the gospel to be heard, & in some countries, for the 1st time in 2000 years. This is a major sign of the End Times & of the nearness of Christ’s return.
In Jesus’ End Time prophecies, He said, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, & then the end shall come.” (Math.24:14).
Preached to the end….
Another powerful point in Jesus’ prophecy is found in His intentional use of the term “the end”. Daniel had coined this term some 500 years before Christ appeared & used the terms “the end”, “the end time” & the “time of the end” 10 times collectively. (Dan.8: 17, 19; 11:27, 35, 40; Dan.12: 4, 6, 9 & twice in Dan.12:13).
Daniel was specific about these terms all referring to the final 3½ year period of human history as man knows it. (Dan.12: 6, 7).
So, since Jesus stated that the gospel will be preached right up to “the end”, He indicated that the body of Christ will be present on earth (& doing the “preaching”) through some portion (if not most) of the first 3 ½ years of tribulation. “And then the end (last 3 ½ years) shall come” , He said. (*This lines up exactly with the other Bible passages concerning the timing of the rapture of the church as shown clearly in Chapter 13.)
“Birth pangs” will continue…. (Math.24: 4-9; Luke 21:25)
The Lord stated that just before the 7 year tribulation begins there will be various signs that would occur globally indicating the nearness of the 7 year tribulation period. He called these signs “birth pangs” (Math.24:8) since they are like intensified labor pains that occur right before delivery.
Today, we see these prophetical things occurring right now. These signs line up with all the other Bible prophecies which have also formed today. Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, famines in various places, wars & rumors of wars, the increase of false prophets & false Christs, the increased threats of nations against other nations…..... are all signs noted by Christ. (Math.24:4-8). Today’s intensity levels & frequency of these “birth pangs” will continue to increase until the actual “start” of the 7 year tribulation.
But, Jesus said, “See that you are not frightened , for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.” (Math.24:6). But, He said, “…they (the birth pangs) will deliver you to tribulation…”. (Math.24:9). He also said, "But when these things begin to take place, straighten up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21: 28).