A 7 year contract ( & the False Prophet )
Daniel 9:27 shows that the final 7 year tribulation period will officially start by the signing of a 7 year agreement. It will be made by the “prince who is to come” (Dan.9:26) with the Jews of Israel of the End Times. In the context of Daniel’s writing, 1 “week” represents 1 period of, not 7 days, but 7 years. (Dan.9: 24-27). Today, this is on the verge of occurring.
“And he (the prince who is to come) will make a firm covenant with the many for 1 week….”. (Dan.9:27). This is the “70th week” of Daniel which is yet to be fulfilled. It is one & the same with the 7 year tribulation period as the New Testament names it. (Math.24:9, 29). Although Daniel saw the future antichrist as "the prince who is to come", the Apostle John was given a closer look at him (in the 95AD Revelation vision), clarifying him to be a "false prophet". (Rev.16:13, 19:20, 20:10). Today, after almost 2000 years (from John's vision), this prophetical writing ["Here is Wisdom"] delivers a "virtual-reality" look at this End Time false prophet (the Papacy of Rome) face-to-face & on the world's stage as predicted. [*See News / following].
the False Prophet will “make” the contract….
The End Time false prophet himself will be the sole leader who will be the executor of this 7 year contract. When it happens, it will be an obvious public event which the world’s people will recognize as having been accomplished exclusively by the End Time religious icon. (Dan.9: 26, 27; Dan.11:21-23; Rev.6: 2; Rev.13:18). Again, this is near to occurring.
His execution of this “firm” 7 year contract is what makes him initially appear (in the world’s view of him) as a “rider on a white horse” at the very start of the 7 year tribulation. (Rev.6: 1, 2). Clearly, the Papacy of Rome is about to fulfill this Bible prophecy in the End Time days ahead. [*See News that confirms / below].
Today’s Mideast Peace talks…
Today, the Mideast Peace discussions which are continually seen as top news stories have been going on for decades, since the rebirth of Israel in 1948. However, these discussions have become even more intensified in the last 25 years as a result of the increased tension & violence in Israel instigated by other religious faiths who consider the city of Jerusalem as rightfully belonging to their own religion.
Although many world leaders over the last 20-30 years have made strenuous efforts to quell the hostilities in Israel & in the Mideast, none of them have been able to accomplish peace in that region. This scenario was predicted of Jerusalem for the Last Days in Zechariah 12:1- 3 :
“Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around; & when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah…..And it will come about in that day (Last Days) that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples..... & all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it.”
the “signing” is at hand … (Dan.9:27; Dan.11:23)
Since the early 1980’s, the papacy has strengthened its relations with the Jews of Israel (& the Palestinians) & has laid all the ground work for the papacy’s prophetical role in the tensions of the Mideast boiling pot. No other world leader equals the papacy’s world clout, as scriptures predicted. [*See News / following]. Together, John Paul II (from 1978) & Benedict XVI (from April 2005) have zoomed the papal icon to the world's forefront in these End Times.
The Vatican’s Mideast efforts have succeeded so powerfully over the years that today, the leaders of Israel & Palestine are looking to the Roman Pontiff himself as the top world leader who “can carry out a decisive role for peace.” In fact, both Israeli & Palestinian leaders have already formally invited Pope Benedict XVI to visit the Holy Land of Israel as a special honored guest "in 2007". After Sr. Israeli Leader Shimon Peres' meeting with Benedict in Rome (April 2006) Peres stated: "I do believe his (Benedict's) visit could have a positive impact on the peace process." [*See News/ following].
Prophetically, the stage is now set for this Pontiff (or any Pontiff) to step up & fulfill the Bible prophecy of the signing of the “firm covenant for 1 week”, which will start the final 7 year tribulation period. (Dan.9:27). The pontiff who actually “makes” this covenant is himself the End Time false prophet of Rome: the “antichrist”.