Return of Christ / War of Armageddon
[Rev.19:11, 19]
<=== 7 year Tribulation Period ===>
Russia's End Time role...
Russia is now set in place geographically for its prophetic role in the End Times. Ezekiel Chapter 38 clearly pinpoints an End Time military super-power which will "come from the remotest parts of the north", being directly "north" of Israel. (Ezek.38:15). Today, Russia, (in fact, Moscow itself, capital of Russia) is literally perpendicularly "north" from Israel as the scriptures predict for these End Times.
Russia attacks Israel; Israel destroys Russia on mountains of Israel /
EZEK Chapts 38, 39
Russia Test Fires Ballistic Missile
Russia Missile Test
Heightens Stand-Off with West
May 7, 2008:
Dmitry Medvedev becomes Russia's New Leader / BBC News
Russia's Leader thru 2008 /
Re-Elected 2012 / News
Russia, Iran to Sign 10 Year Nuclear Fuel Contract
RUSSIA to start Iran Nuclear Plant in 2010
Libya, Russia Agree to $1.3 Bil
Arms Deal - Vladmir Putin
Russia's Loading of Nuke Fuel into IRAN Nuclear Plant Means Aug 21, 2010 Deadline
Russia Reaffirms its Recog- nition of a Palestinian State
[ Medvedev: "Russia made its choice a long time ago..... for the inalienable right of the Pal- estinians to an Independent State in East Jerusalem." ]
Headline News:
Other countries like IRAN and LIBYA are NOW lining up with Russia, and against Israel, exactly as foretold in Ezekiel 38 for today's END TIMES.
Russia voices "deep concern" over deadly Israel Syrian clashing inside Israel's northern border, the Golan Heights

The prime event performed by Russia in the End Times will be its military attack on Israel as recorded in Ezek- iel 38 & 39. This event takes place soon after the be-ginning of the 7 year Tribulation period as Ezekiel & Reve- lation both show. [Ezek.38:18-23; Rev.6:12-17]. [see graph below]
Incredibly, the small country of Israel will all but decimate the military force of Russia on the mountains of Israel, as Ezekiel predicts. [Ezek.39:1-6]. This event is not far off.
Other countries which Ezekiel shows will join with Russia in the assault upon Israel are: Iran [Persia] , Turkey [Beth-togar-mah] , East Germany and Poland [Gomer], Ethiopia and Libya [Put] . These will also be quickly crushed overwhelmingly by Israel at the same time. [Ezek. 38:4-8]. ~Rob Conrad
Russia's attack on Israel...
"And you (Russia) will come from your place out of the remo- test parts of the north, you & many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly & a mighty army; & you will come up against My people Israel like a cloud to cover the land. It will come about in the last days, that I shall bring you against My land (Israel)....". (Ezek.38:15,16).
"And I (God) shall strike your (Russia's) bow from your left hand, & dash down your arrows from your right hand. You shall fall on the mountains of Israel, you & all your troops, & the peoples who are with will fall on the open field." [Ezek.39:3-5].
Preparing for Ezekiel 38, 39
Russia warns: Israeli threat of strikes on IRAN "a serious mistake"
Russia warns Israel not to attack IRAN (or catastrophic consequences)
Palestinian Pres Abbas Urges Russia's Putin to Help in Mideast Peace Process
RUSSIA sends 6 Warships
to SYRIA'S coast
12 Russia Warships to Israel's N Border
RUSSIA sends 12 Warships to
RUSSIA sends 12 Warships to ISRAEL's N Border [Syria]
2000 RUSSIAN Soldiers & air- craft Invade UKRAINE'S Crimean region ( VIDEO > )
'King of the North'
(Russia / Ezek 38:15)
March 10, 2014 / News :
RUSSIA Military & Warships
[ Major End Time Prophecy In Plain View & READY Today]
RUSSIA massing huge military build-up on UKRAINE border, READY TO INVADE ( Aug 6 / CNN )
RUSSIA Sending Submarine
with 200 Nuclear Bombs to SYRIA to arrive in days
RUSSIA sends Military & jets into SYRIA ; Netanyahu & IDF Chief tell PUTIN "do not test ISRAEL"
RUSSIA'S Nearing Military Decimation by ISRAEL (How, When)
The Ultimate Result of what's coming:
RUSSIA now building its 2nd
AIR FORCE base in Syria, &
DOUBLING its JETS in region
This generation is now watching, IN REAL-TIME, the Major Bible Prophecy of Ezekiel's 'king of the north' (Russia) move its entire Military SOUTHWARD in stages towards the mountains of ISRAEL,
precisely as foretold for today's End Times."