"Vatican change of heart over 'barbaric' Crusades"
[ Vatican (Benedict) has begun moves to rehabilitate the Cru- saders...."John Paul's apologies (in 2000) for past "errors of the Church"......irritated some Vatican conservatives....including Joseph Ratzinger...now Pope Benedict XVI." ]
Vatican (Benedict) Declines comment about (Holocaust) Archives
1232 AD - 1600's AD
314 AD - 2006
Dec 2006
Aug 2005 / Jewish Choir
Director meeting Pope
Is the leader of the longest survivingorganization in world history, 2nd to none. [ the Catholic church started about 1700 years ago in 313 AD. ]
Leads world history's single-most mur- derous organization [Catholic church] that has slaughtered more millions of innocent people [Christians, Jews, etc.] & over the longest period of time. (through hundreds of years of the Inquisition. / *see News below)
Dwells in St. Peter's Basilica, a virtualgraveyard, where hundreds of dead bodies are now buried underneath.
Practices many occultic rituals like repetitious chanting, using objects for rituals like rosary beads, candles, black crosses, etc.; (even seats himself with an inverted cross behind him.)
Prays for dead people, believing that
he (the pope) has the power to deter- mine their eternal destiny.
Believes he has power to decide who becomes a "saint", even hundreds of years after that person has been dead. [BBC News: 4 new "saints" by Benedict]
Prays to dead people ("saints") who have been dead for hundreds of years, expecting a divine answer from them. [ ie. Mary, St. Francis, etc. ]
Allows & welcomes his followers to bow to him, kneel & kiss his hand (ring) & even worship him; chooses to be paraded through crowds of millions of worshipful onlookers to receive their adoration & exalting of him.
Carries a cross of a "dead Jesus" which subliminally reminds all viewers that the pope is alive as the "vicar of Christ" on earth, & that Jesus is "dead".
Sits on his own throne.
Has an exclusive religious costume that signifies his priestly supremacy over all Catholics & Christians world-wide.
Has his own castle, his own city (Vatican City), his own judicial court system, his own bank [Vatican bank], his own police, his own military guard, his own downline of thousands of Catholic leaders worldwide who bow to him, as the "Holy Father".
Exalts himself & other people (even dead ones) above the Lord Jesus Christ. (*ie. Mary, St. Francis & various other dead "saints", etc.).
Pays tribute, homage & even worship to statues (ie. virgin Mary), as objects of worship. [Pope Benedict blesses statue]