ISRAEL in today's End Times
& Terrorists
Middle of 7 year period
Rev.19:11-20:3 Return of Christ
Rev. 9: 14, 15, 18
"1/3 of mankind" dies after the 4 angels are released at the Euphrates River Region
[ Iraq & Iran ] [ PLAGUES ]
TERRORISTS in Today's End Times
A coming Islamic-Arab self-destruction
1040 Window :
Located within 10 & 40
degrees N Latittude of the Equator
Region of the 1040 Window - 4 billion people live here - over 3 billion to die
Red Horse
[Rev 6:4]
"a great sword was given to him that men should slay one another"
Boiling Today and
ready to explode
in the 1040 region
News below
Islam's Dome of the Rock sits on Jerusalem's Temple Mount and must 1st be leveled in order for the Jews' Temple to be built . It will occur RIGHT AFTER Israel's enemies are destroyed just after the 'start' of Tribulation.
Israeli Military
on Temple Mount

FACTS about the 1040 Window:
The 10/40 Window is located within 10 and 40 degrees north Latitude of the equator
68 nations across northern Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia live in the 10/40 Window
Nearly 4 billion people live here, including 90% of the world's poorest of the poor
It is estimated that 1.6 billion of these people have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ - not even once
Every major non-Christian religion is rooted and also Headquartered in this region including: Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Animism, Atheism, and Sikhism
Two-thirds of the world’s population [4 billion] live in the 68 nations of the 10/40 Window
95% of these 4 billion people are unevangelized
90% are the poorest of the poor, living on an average of only $250 per family annually
In many of the 68 nations, witnessing the Christian Gospel is illegal and will result in imprisonment or death
43 of the 50 worst countries in the world for persecution of Christians are in the 10/40 Window
Child prostitution and child slaverly run rampant in many of these nations
Horrific abuse of women and children remains unchecked, including an epidemic of pedophilia
A majority of the world's terrorist organizations are based in the 10/40 Window, and children as young as 18 months old are trained to be Jihad soldiers
End Time NEWS in the 1040 Window BOILING POT:
Coming: Over 3 billion
will die in this region; Any nuclear fallout [ie.
from IRAN] will occur mainly here, ironically upon themselves ~
Related LINKS:
[ 2 Min Video / * ]

The 'start' of the final 7 Year Tribulation period is imminent in today's generation. Revelation's chronology shows that billions of people will be 'killed' within the FIRST 3 1/2 years of the coming Tribulation.
Over 3 billion people will die
Specifically, Rev. 6:8 states that 'a fourth of the earth' will be killed. This means that of today's 7 billion people on earth about 1.7 billion persons will soon die, leaving about 5.3 billion.
Soon after that, Rev. 9:15 states that another 'third of mankind' will be killed. Overall, this means that after the Tribulation begins a total of several billion people will die, leaving roughly 3.5 billion people on earth, about HALF of today's world population.
As horrendous as this sounds, it will most definitely take place and this generation will shortly witness it. Again, all of this will take place within the beginning months of the FIRST 3 1/2 years of the coming 7 Year Tribulation. It can rightly be called WW3.
WHERE will this occur? and its cause?
The 2 prime events causing over 3 billion deaths are pinpointed in the Bible. Both accounts show the region of the Mideast, East - Central Asia and N. Africa to be the focul point geographically of the bulk of the coming explosion of death.
This is the horizontal region referred to as the 1040 Window. Its center is IRAQ [Euphrates River] and stretches horizontally eastward through East and central Asia and also stretches west through IRAQ's neighboring Mideast Muslim - Arab nations towards Jerusalem, Israel. Some N. African nations are also included in the 1040 Window. [Map / info below]
The FIRST Major Prophecy to occur right after the Tribulation 'starts' is the 1-day war on the mountains of ISRAEL. Tens of millions [or more] will die. This results from Russia and numerous allied Arab-Muslim nations [Iran, Turkey, Libya, Ethiopia, Iraq] having suddenly converged on Israel to destroy her. [Ezekiel 38:1-8]
However, Israel will miraculously destroy them all including 80% of the Russian military itself re- quiring "7 months" [Ezek 39:11-13] for Israel to bury the dead.
Revelation's RED HORSE [Rev 6:4] symbolizes the first stage of this horrific bloodshed saying "a great sword was given to him that men should slay one another". We see this already boiling today.
The 2nd event of more mass death also occurs in the 1040 region but is caused by plagues.
Revelation shows this since the 4 angels [of God] which have been 'bound at the River Euphrates' [IRAQ-IRAN area] are suddenly 'released'. [Rev 9:14]. This allows the plagues from the newly opened bottomless pit to kill a third of mankind in quick succession to the previous "fourth of the earth" which just died. [Rev 9: 2, 13-18]
At this point just months into the 7 Year Tribu- lation, over 3 billion persons will have died.
Islamic Terrorists: .... to self-destruct
Importantly in today's End Times, this 1040 region houses most of today's key TERRORIST nations and is the #1 region where hate, persecution and killings of Christians and Jews exist today, including hate for Israel. [Map / Info below]
As an inevitable result, this exact region will suffer the brunt of the fast-approaching holocaust to be- come world history's most extreme example of the Biblical principles: "all who live by the sword will die by the sword" and " I (God) will bless those who bless you (Abraham/Jews of Israel) and those who curse you, I will curse." [Matthew 26:52 / Genesis 12:3]
The Building of Jerusalem's 3rd Temple
To re-emphasize, right after the 7 Year Tribulation 'starts', then Russia [king of the north] with its allies of Iran, Libya, Turkey, Ethiopia and other Arab-Muslim nations will be wiped out in 'a day' on Israel's mountains. [Ezekiel 38:18; 39:4]
As mentioned before, immediately adjacent to this will be another storm of deaths ["third of mankind"] in the
Euphrates River - IRAQ region, killing hundreds of millions more including radical Islamic terrorists.
This coming quick elimination of Israel's hateful enemies who also have military capabilities [Russia, Islamic terrorists, Arab-Muslim enemies like IRAN, Syria, Libya] will suddenly allow ISRAEL to have unhindered freedom to BUILD their 3rd Temple during the FIRST 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation as End Time prophecies specifically foretell. ~Rob Conrad
Israel's coming 1-day miraculous Victory >>
The RED HORSE will erupt after the 'start' of the Tribulation and
leads to the Russian attack on Israel --
W O R L D W A R I I I boiling
Concerning ISRAEL'S foretold End Time Victory over her enemies - God says: "On that day...." [Ezek 38:18,19] "I will exalt Myself , sanctify Myself, and make Myself known in the sight of many nations; and they shall know that I am the Lord God." [Ezek 38:23]
Mideast Unrest may roll into Palestine Territories
ISRAELI Air Force gear- ing up for Iran attack,
moment of truth is near -
says Israel TV Report
Israel -- Palestinian
Violence Erupts on
Israel's Borders
ISRAEL PM Netanyahu
emphatically Rejects Obama demand yester- day for a Palestinian state within Israel
ISRAEL Sends Warships to Egypt Border
[ Iran's Fleet in same waters ]
ISRAEL General Predicts All-Out War w/ WMD's in Mideast
Israeli Defense minister warns military strike is possible against IRAN
Israeli Military Chief:
Israel needs to be ready to strike IRAN
ISRAEL won't warn USA before IRAN strike
ISRAEL's Netanyahu to give Iran Ultimatum
[ Israel estimates 6-9
months left until Iran's
nuclear facilities are protected ]
IRAN's continued efforts
for Nuclear weapons
Coup Possible in Saudi
Arabia and Morocco
Intelligence Report
Warns of Iranian Nuclear Reactor Disaster
End Time NEWS in the 1040 Window BOILING POT:
ISRAEL buys airfield on IRAN'S northern border
( as possible war-ready
site )
ISRAEL'S plan to attack IRAN suddenly PUT ON HOLD ( until at least spring of 2013 )
August 8, 2012 / News: Israel "Dissolving" Muslim Dome of Rock foundation
-- to Build 3rd Jerusalem Temple
IRAN Test - Fires new Long- Range Missile - Israel's reply: "Iran
should be very afraid ..."
of North], Iran, Libya, Ethiopia, Turkey converge
on Israel and
are destroyed ~
Rev. 6: 8, 9 1/4 of the earth dies
Riots in EGYPT: Sign of Islamic Global Uprising
IRAN Prepares for ISRAEL Strike ( with big-
gest Defense tests in IRAN's history )
ISRAEL successfully Tests Advanced Missile capable of Reaching IRAN w/ nuclear war- head
ISRAEL calls up 16,000 reservist soldiers to pre- pare for GAZA offensive
( Palestinian rocket hits outskirts of Jerusalem for 1st time in history )
ISRAEL Jets Bomb Syrian Facility; Iranian Guards Killed also ( Iran, Syria vow retaliation )
ISRAEL successfully Tests Incoming Missile System ( ready in 2016 )
Bible PROOF 1.5 BIL MUSLIMS to die
May 1, 2013 Video / 3:27 Mins
Bible Proof 1.5 BIL Muslims to die [Red Horse of Revelation]
May 15, 2013 Video / 7 Mins
FINAL Prophecies & MIDEAST
WAR Ready ---- [ will start "SUDDENLY" : Bible / News ]
May 19, 2013 Video / 1 Min
RUSSIA sends 12 Warships to ISRAEL's N. Border [ Syria > ]
[ foretold WW3 ]
RUSSIA sends 12 Warships to ISRAEL's
N. Border [Syria]
August 20, 2013 Video / 3:45
& ISRAEL [Timeline of coming events]
Sept 12, 2013 Video / 3:03
VICTORY over ALL enemies
[Ezekiel 38 & 39's Timing ID'd in relation
to nearing 7 Year Tribulation]
Major Bible Prophecy / Bible Foretells :
"ISRAEL will stand alone if needed to prevent IRAN nuclear weapons"
"The people of ISRAEL have come home, NEVER to be uprooted again!"
Sept 27, 2013 Video / 4:22
Prophetic word to PM NETANYAHU
& End Time ISRAEL
[Crucial, nearing End Time major events
& their sequence, disclosed to Knesset]
PRAY for the peace of JERUSALEM.
(Psalms 122:6,7)
ISRAEL Defense Forces (IDF) complete full-scale Military excercise to pre- pare for northern attack
IRAN threatening to Ignite the Region
ISRAEL's foretold "TIME" (Dan 11:21) ---- now ready for ANTICHRIST
Nov 5, 2013 : Exclusive VIDEO, found no- where else except at
March 10, 2014 / News :
RUSSIA Military & Warships
[ Major End Time Prophecy In Plain View & READY Today]
Libya Leader Gaddafi
tells Palestinians to Revolt against ISRAEL
[calls for Palestinians to
amass on Israel's borders]
RUSSIA Military & War- ships POISED to attack ISRAEL
Western Wailing Wall
ISRAEL Defense Forces (IDF) Continue to
Prepare for IRAN strike
(Oct 2014)
(Oct 2014)
ISIS terrorists Edging Closer to ISRAEL ;
ISRAEL Prepared to
Assist Jordan Militarily
June 23, 2014 : MIDEAST - World CRISIS to EXPLODE :: Believers who MISS the RAPTURE (*prophetic word)
ISRAEL Launches 1st Ground operation on
N. GAZA w/ no end
of conflict in sight
Israel PM Netanyahu: "Arab World undergoing
an earthquake"
into All-Out Mideast
*Prophetic Word crystallizes Imminent End Time events >
ISIS terrorists in Iraq & Syria
June 29, 2014 (News below)
Ezekiel 38,39 / FOREORDAINED
Russia, Muslim terrorists' near- ing Demise on Israel mountains/
ID's timing of "WHEN" Israel's COMING 1-DAY WAR occurs
ISRAEL & Hamas Agree to 3-DAY TRUCE in
GAZA Conflict
Mideast Unrest Spreads
across Arab World
[ to IRAN, Bahrain, Libya]
3-DAY Ceasefire
Collapses -- ISRAEL resumes strikes on HAMAS targets after rocket fire from GAZA
Egypt brokers ISRAEL -
after 7 weeks of conflict in GAZA
ISRAEL preparing for
'Very Violent' war against
Hezbollah in LEBANON
Dec 27, 2014 / ISRAEL set for 7 Year Agree-
ment, Dome of Rock Removed & 3rd TEMPLE
Jerusalem Post
*RE-FRESH this page
for MOST RECENT Breaking News
Today's Mideast Headlines
OBAMA gives IRAN Nuclear Bomb Deal ;
PM Netanyahu : "Historic
Mistake" for world
IRAN's Warships
Provoking Israel,
Egypt approves
RUSSIA sends Military
& jets into SYRIA ;
Netanyahu & IDF Chief tell PUTIN "do not test ISRAEL"