Iran's Next Move in Today's End Times
[ Ezekiel 38:5 specifically names [Persia] IRAN's next move ]
Return of Christ / War of Armageddon
[Rev.19:11, 19]
<== 7 year Tribulation Period ==>
Russia attacks Israel;
The Bible specifically names IRAN & other countries who join in...
Iran's next move in Today's End Times
[ Ezekiel 38:5 > names Iran's (Persia's) next move ]
Iran Launches 9 Test Missiles
[ including 1 able to strike Israel ]
Russia, Iran to Sign 10 Year Nuclear Fuel Contract
Iran Test-Fires Its Longest-Range Missile
[ "...capable of hitting Israel....." ]
Dec 16, 2009 / Fox News >
RUSSIA to start Iran Nuclear Plant in 2010
IRAN and Russia are already teamed together exactly as foretold for today's
End Times.
ISRAEL will CRUSH them ALL in 1 day ~
Military Strike (by Israel) could Delay, Not Stop, IRAN'S Nuclear Program, Officials say
Mystery Computer Virus
Infiltrates and Cripples IRAN's
Nuclear Capablilties, escapes undetected ( top computer scientists baffled )
IRAN's continued efforts for Nuclear Weapons into 2012
Riots in EGYPT a Sign
of Islamic Awakening
Iran / Long-Range missle test
IRAN's Warships Provoking
Israel, Egypt approves
and LIBYA, TURKEY & Ethiopia
IRAN sends Fleet of submarines into Red Sea for 1st time; ISRAEL concerned
Iranian patrol ship in Persian Gulf
IRAN fires 14 Test Missiles with America & ISRAEL as future prime targets
The next prophetical event for IRAN in these End Times is clearly laid out in Ezekiel 38 where IRAN is named as one of the countries who will join with Russia ['king from the north'] to converge on the mountains of Israel in their End Time attack upon the Holy Land. This event will take place in this generation & is already in the process of building into its prophetical fulfillment as today's Headline News clearly presents. [ links below ]
However, God's written word emphatically states the near-future result of IRAN's effort to come against Israel will be IRAN's quick & decisive defeat by ISRAEL & on the very mountains of ISRAEL.
So, according to the written word of God, IRAN's recent threat of hate to 'WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE FACE OF THE MAP' will in no way ever happen. In fact, Iran's armies will NOT lay even one finger upon the Holy City of Jerusalem.
To the contrary, IRAN & her armies are soon to be- come a global embarassment by the warriors in the Holy Land of Israel when Israel's military will carry out a miraculous & crushing DEFEAT of BOTH Russia's and Iran's military personnel who dared to come against Israel on her very own mountains. [Ezek. 38:1-23]
An ARAB - MUSLIM unity in the attack
Although Russia [King of the North] will LEAD this coming convergence on Israel, the Arab - Muslim countries who join Russia are the prime mo- tivating force sparking the military attack.
These are the proven terrorist-type nations who are bold and public today about wanting Israel's destruction. Namely, IRAN, Libya, Syria and Turkey, to name a few.
Today's sudden turmoil and internal uprising in EGYPT [as of Jan 2011] will continue to fuel today's ARAB-MUSLIM hate towards Israel in nearing this inevitable Russian - Arab - Muslim convergence upon the mountains of Israel as foretold in Ezekiel and Revelation.
It will occur just after the 'start' of the fast- approaching 7 Year Tribulation. [ News / WW3 boiling ]
The Mideast boiling pot has obviously already captured the world's eye and will now grow more noticeably intensified towards Tribulation.

IRAN'S Nuclear Plant is Con- nected to its Electricity Grid [ Israel, other nations express fears of potential nuclear weapons ]
IRAN threatens to 'punish' any ISRAELI attack
I S R A E L ' S V I C T O R Y
IRAN'S Top Leader Warns USA, Israel Against Military attack
IRAN begins 10-day Naval show of strength near strategic OIL ROUTE passing
through Strait of Hormuz
Dec 28, 2011 / News > >
IRAN Navy Chief briefs media
IRAN test fires 2nd long-range missile that could hit USA, Israel
IRAN preparing now for Armaggedon
IRAN'S warships sail into
Mediterranean provoking
tensions with Israel
Feb 2012 / Iranian warship in Suez Canal
Prophecy in the News TODAY
Ezekiel 38 & 39: spring-loaded
RUSSIA warns Israel not to attack IRAN (or catastrophic consequences)
SWIFT Reaction: IRAN "will retaliate" by closing Strait
of Hormuz
The Bible's MAJOR END TIME PROPHECY of Ezekiel 38 & 39 has become SUDDENLY READY WITHIN a short 12 MONTH period [ *from Feb 2011 thru Feb 2012 ] :
As of Dec 31, 2011 with USA's total withdrawal of troops in IRAQ, then a CLEAR PATHWAY exists now for IRAN's army & tanks to storm westward, UNHINDERED, towards ISRAEL'S 'mountains' as Bible Prophecies (Ezekiel 38 & 39) foretell will occur after the 'start' of Tribulation.
Also, as of February 2011, LIBYA also now has a SUDDEN CLEAR & FRIENDLY PATHWAY to drive their army & tanks right through EGYPT & into ISRAEL, as foretold. This re- sulted with the sudden ousting of Egypt's 30 year dictator Hosni Mubarek who was friendly towards ISRAEL, and was immediately replaced with the terrorist organization Muslim Brotherhood, hateful towards ISRAEL. Ethiopia will follow.
All of this points to the greatest End Time Prophecy of all: the Nearness of Christ's Divine Return to this generat ion ~ Rob Conrad /
IRAN has Plan to Close Strait of Hormuz, where
one-fifth of world's OIL
is shipped
IRAN Test - Fires new Long- Range Missile - Israel's reply:
"Iran should be very afraid..."
IRAN General: "Israel must
be destroyed"
August 8, 2012 / News: Israel "Dissolving" Muslim Dome of Rock foundation
-- to Build 3rd Jerusalem Temple
IRAN Prepares for ISRAEL Strike ( with biggest defense tests in IRAN history )
Israeli spy satellites spot
IRANIAN ship being loaded with rockets for GAZA strip
Nov 25, 2012 / Iranian Fajr-3 Missile Test
Hassan Rouhani / Nov 2013
IRAN's Leader Rouhani says IRAN will NOT dismantle ANY
of its Nuclear Facilities
IRAN : "We are Preparing to Liberate JERUSALEM"
(tens of thousands of IRAN terrorists in attack drill)
IRAN's finger on trigger to destroy ISRAEL, warns
IRAN Senior Revolutionary Guards Commander
OBAMA gives IRAN Nuclear Bomb Deal ; PM Netanyahu : "Historic Mistake" for world
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