Return of Christ Battle of Armaggedon
1000 year Millennium Reign of Christ on earth > >
425 AD
70 AD
2nd Temple destroyed by Roman Empire
January 2005:
Re-Convened in ISRAEL
------- 1600 YEARS -------
Completed by Mid- 7 Year Point
[ Revelation
11:1, 2 ]
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel
Temple Mount Institute Pres.
Temple Mount in Jerusalem:
The Sanhedrin of 2000 years ago were the respected select group of Israel's Chief Rabbis & Chief priests who were the ultimate authority in deciding the Jewish laws/customs of their eras. After the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 AD their virtual existence was later made illegal in 425 AD. [ *Full 2000 Year History of Sanhedrin > ]
But, in January 2005 after almost 1600 years of non-existence, the Sanhedrin suddenly re-convened as a thriving body of top known Rabbis in Israel. [News/Jan 2005]. Their purpose and focus is still the same as 2000 years ago. Namely, to be the ruling & overseeing body in all legal matters & customs regarding the coming construction of the 3rd Temple, re-instituting of Old Testament priestly and animal sacrifice laws, and the Council for all Jewish religious dealings.
All of this is in exact timing with all other Final End Time prophecies PRECISELY LINED UP TODAY like the nearing 'start' of the final 7 Year Tribulation period, key preparations to build the 3rd Temple, ALL pointing to the nearness of the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

71 top Jewish Rabbis constitute today's newly re-convened Sanhedrin, some of them shown here. The late Rabbi Halberstam began the Sanhedrin movement. [ *Sanhedrin's Official Website > ]
End Time Headlines:
Sanhedrin & Temple Mount
Jan 20, 2005 / News Sanhedrin Launched
in Tiberias, Israel
Can 3rd Temple be Built without Destroy- ing Dome of Rock ?
[ Revived Sanhedrin
look to renew animal
sacrifices on Temple Mount ]
3rd Temple Preparations Begin
with Priestly Garb
Jerusalem launches debate on Sharing Holiest Site
[ in order to Re-build Jerusalem Temple ]
Wants Temple
Rebuilt -----
[ highly influential Muslim believes: "it could be rebuilt in
a year to its perfect form." ]
Preparing for Service in the RE-BUILT TEMPLE -----
Israel Knesset Members and Leading Rabbis
attended Meeting
Model of Altar Built by Israel Institute: "....We really want a Temple ...."
Temple Institute Petitions Israel's Supreme Court to Offer a sheep for Passover Sacrifice
Israel Rabbi calls for
Animal Sacrifice on
Temple Mount
More Jews going to Temple Mount
1st Time:
On Temple Mount,
Priestly Blessing
Recited with hundreds of religious Jews
2nd Jerusalem Temple Identified underneath Temple Mount by prominent Israeli archaeologist [ ready to be excavated ]
Model of the coming 3rd Jerusalem Temple
Luke 22:66-71
[ Jesus before the Sanhedrin ] And when it was day, the Council of elders (Sanhedrin) of the people assem-bled, both chief priests and scribes, and they led Him away to their Council chamber, saying...
Chief Rulers » The chief priests, elders, and the Sanhedrin, seek false witness against Jesus, plotting to kill Him (Matthew 26:1-5; 59, 60)
Joseph of Arimathea was member of the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem (Mark 15:43; Luke 23:50-52) asking Pilate for "the body of Jesus" to be buried in Joseph's own tomb
Gamaliel » A celebrated teacher & Pharisee » gave speech before the Sanhedrin saying leave the Apostles alone; they took his advice (Acts 5:33-41)
Stephen dragged before the Sanhedrin ("Council") (Acts 6:12-15); who took Stephen outside the city and stoned him to death (Acts 7:1 thru 54-60)
Apostle Paul » was brought before the Sanhedrin (Pharisees & Sadducees); gave his defense (Acts 22:30; 23:1-15) but they swore an oath to kill Paul
Chief Priests & Scribes » Members of the Council (Sanhedrin) and chief priests are asked by King Herod where the Christ was to be born (Matthew 2:4)
Senate of Israel & Sanhedrin put the Apostles in Jail & ordered them not to speak about Jesus (Acts 5:17-21, 27, 28)
Various Bible Passages RE: "Sanhedrin"
Newly Re-Convened / Jan 2005
January 12, 2012 / News ^
"Temple Mount is ours!"
More: Talks RE:
Building the 3rd Temple