"Even so, you too, when you see ALL these things, then KNOW that He is near, even right at the door." [Matthew 24:33]
Dear: Brothers - Sisters in Christ, Global friends ~
"All of these things" which the Lord foretold to watch for are right in front of this generation, RIGHT NOW. They're at an APEX. The crucial key prophecies are on CENTER STAGE preparing for the 'start' of the 7 Year Tribulation.
Importantly, the VERY NEXT MAJOR END TIME EVENT TO OCCUR in this generation is the 'signing' of a 7 Year Mideast Agreement between Antichrist & ISRAEL.
This will literally 'start' the final 7 Years in history known as the TRIBULATION period. ( Links below )
But, NOW (September 2011) and in the next few months through December 2011, the 2 PRIME Components to the actual "signing" of the foretold final 7 Year Agree- ment are being divinely SPOTLIGHTED IN PLAIN VIEW FOR all the world to "see". NAMELY: Antichrist and Israel.
From now on, these 2 End Time KEY parties (Israel & Antichrist/Papacy of Rome) will inreasingly rise into the PRIME GLOBAL FOCUS until the virtual 'start' of the Tribulation by the actual "signing" itself.
WHY? BECAUSE IT IS TIME for them to fulfill God's Word in today's End Times. This CRUCIAL SCENARIO of the nearing 'START' of Tribulation is talked about in depth later in this writing.
But, virtually TODAY, "all these things" are ALREADY NOW SET with Antichrist himself (Papacy of Rome) parading back & forth on the world's stage.
The Spirit of God is OPENING EYES to 'see'
As I stated previously, the CURRENT MAJOR MOVE of God's Spirit is already beginning (in America FIRST where His Spirit-filled children are) which is to OPEN EYES for His people to "see" ALL THESE THINGS ALREADY lined up and IN PLAIN VIEW TODAY.
Daniel's prophecy of "Those who have insight among the people will provide understanding to the many" is a major End Time prophecy today and is also ocurring emphatically through Heisnear.com itself with great mo- mentum all by the Spirit of God. (Daniel 11:33)
In fact, as scriptures show, an explosion of global aware- ness of Antichrist's presence & "all these things" is coming quickly to this generation in nearing the 'start' of the foretold 7 Year Tribulation. ( *The coming Final Move of God / *prophetic word > ).
This is God's divine plan: To have people see clearly, in advance, regarding exactly what is coming before the 2nd judgement actually occurs. His true bond-servants who speak as anointed oracles of God will be the ones "providing the understanding to the many." (Dan 11:33)
Conversely, today's unanimous batch of blind TV prophecy preachers are in TOTAL ERROR in saying that "No one will know who Antichrist is". This is a direct contra- diction to God's Word which provides vast amounts of specific information about Antichrist's profile & identity as precisely shown at Heisnear.com.
Scriptures even name the understanding of the topic of Antichrist as the 'wisdom' of God, a wisdom today's prophecy 'experts' are STILL UNANIMOUSLY totally BLIND to. (Rev 13:18 / Rev 17:9)
God's End Time plan & scenario laid out in scriptures for His Son's Divine Return is far more glorious than the false teachings of today's blind TV Prophecy preachers who say, "The rapture could happen at any moment ! And believers won't see ANY of these things, includ- ing Antichrist !".
In fact, God is now preparing a GLOBAL AUDIENCE for His Son's unfathomable & divine return.
Again, this includes the Spirit of God OPENING EYES NOW to "see all these things" now set in place in approaching the 'start' of the 7 Year period itself.
Significantly, the Spirit of God's move TODAY to OPEN EYES is JUST LIKE in the days of Noah when the ARK was finally completely built.
Even BEFORE Noah and his 7 family members actually entered it, Noah's entire generation 'SAW' CLEARLY the finished massive product sitting IN PLAIN VIEW. Its EXACT MEANING was ALSO CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD by Noah's continual CLEAR message to: Repent, before the impending flood.
In the same precise manner RIGHT NOW in today's End Times, "all these things" are shaped into an APEX & IN PLAIN VIEW, MASSIVELY, just like the giant ARK itself was.
Again, the current move of God's Spirit on the earth right now is to simply OPEN EYES & let this generation "SEE" CLEARLY "ALL" the massive SIGNS ALREADY SITTING RIGHT IN FRONT of this final generation.
Any time remaining in today's rapidly narrowing gap of time until the 'start' of Tribulation is because of the grace & mercies of God who "is not willing that ANY would perish....". (2Peter 3:9)
America's BLIND Prophecy 'experts' STILL UNANIMOUSLY STUMPED
Contrary to today's popular but BLIND prophecy 'experts' & best-selling End Time authors, God is not in the bus- iness of keeping His people in the dark about "all these things" including Antichrist's identity.
In fact, America's favorite TV prophecy celebrities & best-selling book authors can STILL be heard & seen publicly pondering, grasping & even debating on TBN & Daystar about 'all these things', including "Who is Antichrist?".
Imagine studying KEY CRUCIAL topics in God's Word (like 'Antichrist', etc) for 20, 30 & 40 years as have TBN's & Daystar's top TV prophecy orators/teachers & authors only to come up empty-handed & with confusion every time saying, "We don't know. And no one does.....".
More amazing is their millions of books sold with their non- stop speculations & misleading ramblings which have misled the body of Christ for over 41 years.
Dear friends: God is not the author of this confusion & folly on America's Religious TV airwaves. Their huge SCRIPTURAL errors & their PROVEN public confusion is all man-made, by them. Literally, it's the blind leading the blind.
It bears repeating: the Spirit of God is already beginning to OPEN EYES amongst His people to Antichrist's pres- ence and to 'see all these things', even though today's TV prophecy 'experts' & blind self-sent 'prophets' can't see ANY of them. ( KEY topics pinpointed @ About Us >> )
The WORD of the Lord to AMERICA'S Prime Religious TV Broadcasters
Like the first-century Laodiceans, TBN & Daystar have also pushed true prophecy AND God's true prophets completely out of the body of Christ today. HOW? Because when the Laodiceans pushed Jesus out of the church, they also pushed out the true voice of prophecy and the #1 PROPHET Himself: Jesus.
America's top Religious Broadcasters (TBN / Daystar, 700 Club, Atlanta 57, etc) have done the EXACT same over the last 40 years or so since the 1970's. These are the most influencing TV broadcasters in AMERICA and the world who have indoctrinated a whole generation into believing what is being presented from the TV airwaves is 'true Christianity'. It is far from it.
In reality, TBN & Daystar presidents have designed their networks over the years into today's Laodicean mentality, having SQUEEZED OUT Jesus, thrown out the Spirit of God's true prophecy utterances & teachings, and thrown out Gods true oracles, being His prophets. The result today is an extreme reproach being brought upon the Lord from America's dominant ear-tickling TV Ministries.
For example, the Apostle Paul said he came ministering "not as a persuasive speaker", but he came "in the demonstrations of the Spirit and power." (1Cor 2:4). Today's Ministers in America are the exact opposite. They are mostly flashy "speakers", but with no demonstra- tions of "power" whatsoever.
In fact, when most church services are over on Sunday mornings, the body of Christ across America goes home having heard, at best, a "speaker". The gifts of the Spirit are non-existent, having also been thrown out and quenched by the noisy-gong, dead-work Ministers in charge. (1Cor 13:1,2)
In America today, just like the Laodicean church, the Lord can be seen standing on the outside of AMERICA'S body of Christ & looking in, hoping that they will 'hear His voice' again, and "open the door" to invite Him back in.
So far unless they repent, TBN & Daystar's "family" of fancy preachers, so-called prophets & blind prophecy preachers are virtually fulfilling the Bible's foretelling of an End Time fallen away Church likened to a group of 'foolish virgins'. (Matt 25:1-13). This is proven in their daily TV Religious presentations of a 'different Gospel' and 'another Jesus' altogether. (Gal 1:8 / 2 Cor 11:4).
The other side to this prophetical word is that the Religious Broadcasters just mentioned are actually in perfect position right now to be used more mightily in the days ahead than ever before, in the coming great & mighty move of His outpouring.
However, as previously stated, they must FIRST become truly humble enough to even 'see' their errors. Then, to truly repent.
This is also true prophetically on the largest scope for America as a nation. America's greatest crisis today is not the economy nor our deceptive & ungodly Leaders in Washington D.C. & at the pulpits. But, is the crisis of surrendering our wills to God.
Antichrist and ISRAEL gaining the Global SPOTLIGHT (according to Daniel 9:27)
SEPTEMBER 2011: ISRAEL at United Nations
On September 23rd ISRAEL will be spotlighted in the world's eyes in the United Nations' in New York for the highly controversial voting for the Palestinians' bid for Statehood. Although the Palestinians are initiating the effort, ISRAEL is essential in the equation & will get the SPOTLIGHT, as foretold. (Zech 12:3,4)
For true born again Spirit-filled believers who love & stand with Israel 100% at all times, this is another perfect opportunity to offer up to God our "prayers for the peace of Jerusalem" & for her protection. (Psalms 122:6,7)
But, this generation's anger against Israel is an antichrist-evil mindset driven by satan. It is an irrational & evil hate in exact line & timing with MAJOR End Time Bible prophecies showing that "Jerusalem will be a heavy stone for ALL nations to lift." (Zechariah 12:3).
Scriptures also foretell, "ALL nations will be against Jerusalem" which is the precise scenario today. (Zech 12:3). The September 23rd United Nations News-Day will no doubt throw more fuel into the MIDEAST fire, so to speak.
As I stated before, this is MAJOR BIBLE PROPHECY being brought to the forefront of this generation's attention in preparing for BOTH PARTIES (Israel & Antichrist) to ultimately "sign" the divinely foreordained 7 Year Agree- ment for Mideast Peace.
September 23rd is setting the stage more clearly & globally for the need for a SOLVER to the problem.
Not coincidentally, the foretold "SOLVER" to the Mideast problem (Antichrist/Papacy) will be immediately next in the spotlight in OCTOBER.
The coming "World Peace Conference" orchestrated by Pope Benedict XVI himself is designed to gain world attention & favor for this generation's need for "Peace".
But, on the larger scope, it also thrusts the Papacy into the world's eyes as a potential MEDIATOR of Mid- east Peace, as Bible prophecies specify will literally happen.
Today's generation being the most religious generation ever, also has its greatest threat for world war rooted in religion in the Mideast. As Biblical prophecy foretells, the world & ISRAEL will look to the #1 unprecedented RELIGIOUS ICON in the world today, to solve it. As Heisnear.com shows, this EXACT scenario is already heading quickly towards fulfillment. ( News: Mideast Peace > )
In fact, so far, the world's general population (including America's) has not given a 2nd thought to Benedict XVI (or any acting Pope) being the literal foretold "Mediator" of Israel's & the Mideast's problems, YET.
However, God's Word emphatically shows that today's End Time generation will become totally keen to Pope Benedict's (or any sitting Pope's) role as ANTICHRIST, in nearing the 'start' of Tribulation. WHY? Because God desires for all to "see all these things" & clearly UNDERSTAND, before the coming 2nd judgement.
Who will actually 'embrace' these truths is another category of discussion altogether & points to the coming great separation in this generation. Namely, those who embrace the Lord Jesus Christ VS. those who do not. (Math. 25:1-13 / 1Tim 4:1)
Obviously, after October's "World Peace Conference", BOTH PARTIES to the "signing" of the coming 7 Year MIDEAST PEACE Agreement (Antichrist / Israel) will have caught the world's attention in 2 consecutive months.
Finally, BOTH PARTIES of the Biblically foretold 7 Year Agreement's "signing" will be TEAMED TOGETHER in DECEMBER 2011, SITTING AT THE SAME TABLE. This will be another obvious MAJOR SIGN to this genera-
tion of what is coming.
The VATICAN & ISRAEL are scheduled to meet again in December in another "Plenary Meeting" in ROME.
Whether the meeting takes place or is re-scheduled (which has occurred before), these are KEY MEETINGS & ALREADY IN THE FINAL PHASES of completion for the "signing" of "The Fundamental Agreement" authored by John Paul II in 1993. ( Vatican Relations w/ Israel > )
Heisnear.com documents extensively with Headline News the critical nature & End Time possibilities for the coming "signing" of this legal agreement by the Papacy and ISRAEL. As of the last 24 -36 months or so, AND TODAY, its "signing" has become TOP PRIORITY for both the Vatican and ISRAEL. Again, this is right on time with ALL OTHER Major Prophecies lined up like ducklings in a row as shown at Heisnear.com.
As I've stated before, "The Fundamental Agreement" itself is highly significant whether it becomes the VIRTUAL foretold 7 Year Agreement itself of Daniel 9:27, OR whether is used as a template & springboard towards the larger scope of the coming 7 Year Agreement.
Either way, BOTH PARTIES are NOW AT THE TABLE in Clear Legal Negotiations speeding towards Daniel 9:27's INEVITABLE APEX of the 7 Year "signing" be- tween ANTICHRIST & ISRAEL. ( News: Mideast Peace > )
As scriptures precisely show, the KEY to knowing when the Agreement foretold by Daniel 9:27 is VIRUTALLY EXECUTED (or not) is when BOTH PARTIES (Pope & Israel ) "sign" a "7 Year" agreement.
When this occurs, then the final 7 Year Tribulation period will START. It will not 'start' in 2011.
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