WHICH POPE is the actual FINAL ANTICHRIST before Christ's return?
Dan 9:27: The acting POPE who virtually executes the foretold 'firm covenant' (Daniel 9:27) with the Jews of Israel for 7 Years proves himself as the VIRTUAL FINAL ANTICHRIST.
As Heisnear.com specifically states numerous times in its books and throughout the site emphatically: this EXACT SCENARIO is so readied now that even if the current POPE Benedict were to suddenly die or resign, then ANY subsequently elected Pope could step right into an already spring-loaded scenario to easily carry out the 'signing' quickly. [ News/Mideast Peace ]
The actual 'signing' itself could take place in ROME, ISRAEL or even another global platform like the United Nations or World Council of Churches, etc.
AGAIN, the ultimate determining factor proving "WHICH POPE?" is divinely foreordained (Daniel 9:27) as the FINAL ANTICHRIST of today's End Times is when that particular POPE "makes a firm cove- nant" for 7 Years with ISRAEL.
God's Word is clear RE: ANTICHRIST
GOD'S WORD provides vast amounts of detailed infor- mation regarding Antichrist & his exact PROFILE so His people will 'KNOW' (Math 24:33) and not be fooled.
God is not in the business of keeping His people in the dark about such a significant Bible topic as the ANTICHRIST as today's UNANIMOUS BATCH of blind prophecy 'experts' have pawned off to this generation.
But, the Spirit of God is already opening eyes of His people through Heisnear.com to the FACT that 'Antichrist' has ALREADY been specifically identified over the last 15 - 17 centuries as the PAPACY of ROME by born again believers and great pillars of the true Christian faith. >>
A coming final End Time explosion of awareness of ANTICHRIST being the PAPACY of ROME is already occurring in its infant stages as foretold by the prophet Daniel saying: "Those who have insight among the people will provide understand- ing to the many." (Dan 11:33) >>
One-and-the- same man
As shown at Heisnear.com, the Apostle John coined the term "Antichrist" in 90AD in his writings to the church body. Then, 5 years later in 95AD John was given an even closer look at him in the vision of Revelation on Patmos Isle, clarifying Antichrist as a "False Prophet", the greatest impostor of Christ- ianity the world would ever know.
After the vision, John the Revelator was perfect- ly clear in his understanding that "Antichrist" and the coming "False Prophet" were literally one-and-the- same man, the 2 terms being synon- ymous.
In fact, John never uses the term "Antichrist" even once in his writing of the entire Book of Revelation, but only uses the term "False Prophet".
Today and over the past 2000 years, history has proven the FALSE PROPHET ("Antichrist") to be the PAPACY of ROME, as pinpointed overwhelm- ingly at Heisnear.com. [ Full Scope > ]

Key Partners of Patmos Ministries: Atlanta, Georgia / California / Montana
1984, 2006 / Here is Wisdom. Chapter 7, final PP
final PP of 'New & Historic Diplomatic Relations Between Popes & ISRAEL'
#1 Popular WORLD ICON Today as fore- told of the End Time False Prophet / Un- matched 1.2 billion + followers
[LINKS] ANTICHRIST of the Bible:
[ ie. John Calvin, Sir Isaac Newton, King James, DL Moody, Charles Spurgeon, Martin Luther, John Wesley, William Tyndale, Joan of Arc, etc ]
May 2009 /
Red Carpet
rolled out for Benedict's
1st visit to ISRAEL
YOUTUBE : 2 Mins
43 Secs / 7/1/12
Feb 11, 2013 / Exclusive VIDEO
[ Benedict XVI Retiring / News Feb 11, 2013 ]
100% PROOF Pope Francis
is ANTICHRIST [ 2:28 ]
[ Crucial Video ID's the PAPACY of Rome (& every elected Pope) as ANTICHRIST ] March 14, 2013
Page created 3/10/08 / Other LINKS added