100% PROOF of Christ's Nearness
Copyright July 2008 / Excerpt from TWO BEASTS RISING / All Rights Reserved.
100% confidence of Christ's nearness...
God's written Word lays out clearly the exact day of Christ's 'physical' return and also the timing [not day or hour] of the End Time rapture itself in relation to the chronology of the final 7 Year period of Tribulation. God's interest has always been in letting His children know in advance and preparing them in advance for what He has shown us thoroughly in terms of 'timing'. A 'surprise rapture' at any possible moment as preached today is not scriptural as is laid out exhaustively in Chapter 13 of 'Here is Wisdom'.
However, an absolute key to truly 'knowing' the nearness of Christ is found in one of many statements by Jesus Himself in His prophetical discourses. He said that 'When you see all these things [End Time prophecies lined up together] then know that He is near, even right at the door.' [Math.24:33]. So, we can definitely 'know' the very 'nearness' of Christ by recognizing when 'all' of the predicted End Time prophecies are lined up together. Without question, today they are.
Never before have 'all' of the End Time prophecies lined up together simultaneously and globally in scope as they are right now. Israel's re-birth in 1948 itself having marked this generation as the virtual final generation. It is a personal and loving heavenly Father who has mercifully laid out huge amounts of clear information in His written Word regarding 'all' of the End Time aspects so that His children would 'know' and so that 'no one will mislead you' . [Math.24:4.].
The Lord Himself forewarned His followers repeatedly in His discourses on End Time prophecies of the critical need to see the truth. In today's End Time generation, there is no greater time in history THAN NOW for people to discern accurately [according to scriptures and by the Spirit] about 'all' of these crucial final things forthcoming in this generation.
A PRIME CRUCIAL TOPIC to grasp: Antichrist
Of all the prophetical 'things' which we 'see' lined up today, then one End Time topic is more crucial than all others for believers to grasp in recognizing the narrowest possible 7 year gap just before Christ's physical return. That specific topic is having knowledge of antichrist's profile. Recognizing exactly 'who' he is.
Why is this so critical in discerning the 'nearness' of Christ? Because End Time believers who recognize antichrist's true profile and his 'starting' of the 7 Year Tribulation period can be 100% sure [can 'know'] of the narrow 7 year gap left before Christ's physical return. This is because these two major events [antichrist's 'starting' of the 7 Year Ageement and the physical return of Christ] are linked to each other, showing them as exactly 7 years apart. Also, the Lord being 'even right at the door' in the rapturing of His people before His 'physical' return is also able to be discerned 'timing-wise' by recognizing antichrist at the beginning of the 7 Year Tribulation.
On the other hand, what if God's people were to remain blind scripturally to the true profile of antichrist ? Then God's children could NOT be sure at all [even remain blind as today's generation] as to how close today's generation actually is to the nearness of Christ. Without question, a believer's 100% confidence and recognition of forthcoming and final End Time events [including the rapture timing and Christ's return] clearly hinge on that believer knowing the exact scriptural profile of the man of sin.
Otherwise, a person [believers included] sets himself up to the highly dangerous scenario which Jesus foretold AND which, so far, exists today when He said, 'Be on guard, that your hearts may not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day come on you suddenly like a trap.....' . [Luke 21: 34]. His other forewarning is also true so far in this generation, saying, 'For false Christs and false prophets will arise..... so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.' [Math.24:24]. ~Rob Conrad Full Chapter >

*headline news/photos confirm all scriptures
100% PROOF
of Christ's Nearness_______
2 min VIDEO / Heisnear.com