About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, & insist on their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor & opposition." Sir Isaac Newton / Christian & Father of modern science
100% PROOF of Christ's Nearness_____
2minVideo - by Heisnear.com
Key Partners of Patmos Ministries: Atlanta, Georgia / California / Montana
Daniel's "LITTLE HORN" [ Antichrist / Papacy of Rome ]
The EU's establishing in 1957's Treaty of Rome brought its 10th core nation [Greece] into the massive block in 1981 & has now grown to 27 nations with a population of about 500 million people. This is a major Bible prophecy right in front of our eyes. Daniel & Revelation foresaw these 10 EU nations as '10 kings' & '10 horns' in the End Times.
But, another aspect of this 'beastly' final 10-horned Euro- kingdom is in place today also. Namely, the other 'little horn' [Antichrist] which Daniel saw coming up from within this final 10 horn kingdom. He saw the 'little horn' as 'having eyes, uttering great boasts & larger in appear- ance' than even the first 10 horns which make up the final massive Euro-kingdom itself. [Dan 7:20/7:24]
Without question, this is also NOW fulfilled in the Papacy of Rome's rise from within today's End Time Euro-kingdom. Namely, the Pope being 1 single man ['having eyes'] who 'utters great boasts' [ie. the exclusive, but blasphemous & outrageous self-claims of the Pope] and whose explosion of popularity over the last 10 - 20 years has grown enormously 'larger in appearance than his associates' having an un- precedented over 1.2 billion followers [devout Catholics] worldwide today.
Plus, the rest of the world's billons of people and world leaders who show great favor & respect for the Pope make the 'little horn' even more monstrous & primed for its End Time evil role as foretold. All IN PLAIN VIEW TODAY.
The EU's NEXT MAJOR END TIME EVENT TO OCCUR will be by its collective 10 core nations exalting the PAPACY into its spotlight. Scriptures show this occurring right after the 'start' of the Tribulation & is ready to occur now.
This results from the Papacy's unmatched feat of mediating & 'signing' a 7 Year Agreement with the Jews of Israel which 'starts' the Tribulation. Then, immediately afterward being also looked to as the world's greatest humanitarian & 'moral voice' to address the colossal hunger/starvation & economic problems of the world. Revelation shows the Papacy being 'given a crown' [by the 10 nation Euro-kingdom] right after the 7 Year Tribulation's 'start'. [Rev 6:2]
Again, this precise scenario is ready now with the Lisbon Treaty's newly created 'High Representative' seat in 2009 allowing any 1 individual to be quickly elected as the EU's SOLE, top decision-making minister.
On the larger scope, the Papacy ['larger in appearance than its associates' / Dan 7:20] already now has the EU's [& the United Nations'] full attention regarding the Pope's repeated world solution of 'Reforming the Global Economy to Re-Distribute the world's wealth so no one goes hungry'. >
Again, this concept is spring-loaded RIGHT NOW to exalt the Papacy into the EU's [& world's] spotlight in the days ahead as the world's ultimate humanitarian & 'moral' icon.
All of this confirms the nearness of the 'start' of the 7 Year Tribulation to this generation. After it starts, the Papacy's original wonderful sounding Economic solutions will eventually become the foretold 1-World Economic 'mark of the beast' at the Mid-point of the 7 years.
At that point, the False Prophet [Antichrist/Papacy of Rome] will have ascended to 1-World dictator status & will ALSO 'excercise all the authority' of the monstrous 1-World Euro GOVT itself. [Rev 13:12]
Heisnear.com LINKS:

Papacy of Rome:
Revelation's False Prophet /
European Union Ministers ponder creation of EU
"Super President" to "streamline"
EU decisions
April 20, 2012
EU Observer News