1. Today's BLIND false prophets DO NOT 'see'
Matthew 24:33 is one of the most important prophecies in the entire New Testament for TODAY'S WORLD. Why? Because it FRAMES in one verse how God's people can have 100% confidence to 'know' of Christ's 'Nearness' and His soon Return.
In referring to all foretold Bible events lined up together and globally in scope in the End Times, Jesus forewarned that "....when you see all these things, know He is near, even right at the door." Without question and as Heisnear.com overwhelmingly shows, 'all these things' are lined up now on the world's stage precisely like the Lord and the prophets of the Bible forewarned His followers to watch for and 'see'.
However, these 8 false prophets DO NOT 'see all these things' as the Lord instructed. In fact, they don't see ANY of them.
Only false prophets could be this blind as to NOT 'see' and to ALSO LEAVE OUT ALTOGETHER 'all these things' including the very PRIME topic of the End Times and the book of Revelation itself: the Return of Christ. Their failure here actually proves to be great folly based on the fact that today's generation has obviously drawn closer day-by-day, since 1948's re-birth of Israel, to the very Return of Christ itself. Yet, for the last 20-30 years, these 8 false prophets consistently LEAVE OUT ANY mention of the key crucial topics of today's End Times.
Anyone who visits the Elijah List website, the internet hub for these 8 men, will see quickly that ANY significant MENTION of the CRUCIAL TOPICS of Christ's Return and His Nearness is obviously ABSENT from 99.99% of their 'prophecies', their dis- cussions and their 'prophecy conferences'. Their TV appearances also consistently confirm their total disregard for 'all these things' lined up today for fulfillment.
If ever one of these 8 men do actually use the term 'the return of the Lord' or use other End Time buzzwords, then it is mostly a passing remark as opposed to a significant and emphatic statement about the clear fact of His true Nearness right now, and soon Return.
Again, this is because of these 8 men's proven blindness to 'all these things' today coupled with their proven prime motive to be recognized and praised for being a 'prophet' and 'apostle' and 'seer'.
This is exactly what the Apostle Paul pointed out about false leaders who 'disguise themselves as apostles of Christ' [2 Cor 11:13] based in their motive to 'desire an opportunity to be rewarded just as we are', like Paul and the true apostles.
[2 Cor 11:12].
To contrast their folly from another perspective, think of the many true prophets in the Bible who wrote of Christ's Return long before it even occured. For example, in 586 BC Daniel wrote MUCH about the 'Return of Christ' almost 2600 years ago before the fact. Another example is the Apostle John who wrote the book of Revelation 2000 years ago based in his vision of the Return of Christ in the End Times.
Yet these 8 self-proclaimed 'prophets-seers' and 'apostles' of the Elijah List don't 'see' nor do they even MENTION Christ's Nearness as He instructed for the very FINAL generation in which He is about to virtually Return. If there actually is any commentary written in the past 20 years by any of these 8 men concerning ANY of today's prime End Time topics then it is completely drowned out by their solid track record for 20-30 years of leaving 'all these things' out of their prime discussions and 'prophecies'.
However, to be as specific as possible then the following list names some of the absolute vital End Time topics foretold in scriptures including ones which Jesus Himself instructed His followers to be vigilante about and to 'see'.
As you are reading them, try to remember the last time you heard any of these 8 men, even 'mention' 1 of these topics as specifically being present on the world's stage TODAY and being ready for fulfillment. You haven't. You also haven't heard any teachings from these blind 'seers' which even remotely begin to specifically announce these critical topics to God's people as ready for fulfillment today:
*the virtual Nearness of Christ TODAY-
*the imminent Return of Christ to this generation-
*the visible SIGNS TODAY of Christ's Return-
*Antichrist's exact profile and appearance on the world stage today-
*the current nearness to the 'start' of the 7 Year Tribulation-
*Mideast Peace discussions between Israel and the man of sin being readied today, in plain view-
*the precise identity of the Great Harlot and being in place today-
*the true meaning of 666, and in plain view today-
*disussions in Israel regarding the 'building of the 3rd Temple'-
*the abomination of desolation mentioned by Jesus and being fully rehearsed publicly inside Jewish synagogues in plain view-
*the rapidly approaching and foretold 1-World GOVT, in plain view-
*the rapidly-rising EU now to its final foretold World Kingdom status, with Antichrist headquartered there, in plain view-
*the true scriptural 'timing' of the Rapture to prepare God's people- *the clear profile of Revelation's False Prophet and his mark of the beast, being readied and in PLAIN VIEW TODAY-
*100% PROOF of Christ's Nearness based upon 'all these things' being precisely lined up today, etc.. [ all shown @ Heisnear.com ]
Again, NO SPECIFIC WORD, much less specific teachings, are even uttered by these 8 false prophets on these KEY End Time topics except maybe only in passing. Only false prophets who don't 'see' could possibly make this blunder at this most exciting and critical time in today's End Times.
2. NO TRUE PROPHET of GOD would FAIL to 'blow the trumpet of alarm' which warns God's Children of what's coming [Ezekiel 33:4-7].
Blowing the trumpet to warn God's people is one of the PRIME responsibilities, in fact requirements, of a true Watchman which every true prophet of God is. Namely, to 'see' and 'know' in advance, like Christ stated, what is coming and what God is about to do. [Ezekiel 33:4-7 / Math 24:33]
Additionally, that true prophet is then called to 'blow the trumpet' and sound the alarm to God's people, letting them know too. This is the case throughout the Old and New Testaments with true prophets.
Yet, this is exactly what the Elijah List hucksters completely FAIL to do for the last 20-30 years. They fail as a 'Watchman' since they do not 'see' ANY of the MAJOR prophecies today and they fail to 'sound the alarm' by NOT SPECIFICALLY announcing to the body of Christ ANY of these critical End Time topics.
This includes their massive failure to even mention the Lord's prime topic to 'watch' for: the 'Nearness of Christ' and His 'Return'.
Again, this obvious failure as 'watchmen' in itself spotlights and confirms the total blindness, extreme self-centeredness and self-serving nature of these crafty expositors. Yet these 8 impostors continue in fleecing God's people in their selling and promoting of their books, CD's and 'prophecy conferences' to all unsuspecting followers who chase after the latest flashy preacher and so-called 'prophet'.
The Prophet Jeremiah foretold of the proven failure of today's false prophets who FAIL to properly oversee God's people and who do NOT announce His warnings. He also showed their 1st error of not continually remaining in the deep presence of God and His council. He said:
'The anger of the Lord will not turn back, Until He has performed and carried out the purposes of His heart; In the last days you will clearly understand it. I did not send these prophets, But they ran. I did not speak to them, But they prophesied. But if they had stood in My council, Then they would have announced My words to My people, And would have turned them back from their evil way, And from the evil of their deeds.' [ foretold by Jeremiah the prophet / Jer. 23:20-22 ]
No true prophet of God will mislead God's people. Only false prophets mislead people.
Jesus repeatedly foretold that in the End Times 'many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many, even the elect, if it were possible.' [Math 24:4, 24]. He also instructed: 'See to it that no one misleads you.' [Math 24:4].
However, these 8 self-sent 'prophets' mislead millions of God's children in the Evangelical circles from the TV airwaves in America and around the world. They are the most prominent and publicly recognized group who continually hold themselves up as 'prophets' while fooling God's unsuspecting Spirit-filled people from 'seeing' ANY of 'all these things' which the Lord ins-tructed End Time believers to be alert to. [Math 24:33].
Many believers in America today and around the world can sense that something is wrong when watching these self-proclaimed prophets and their mode of operations. Particularly, when recog- nizing the clear 'mess' which exists today in America's Evan- gelical churches and TV ministries. As stated previously, this is a direct product resulting from the last 20-30 years of failed and sloppy 5-Fold leadership, especially the 'prophets'.
These 8 men's typical patterns of misleading God's people with empty 'prophecies' which fail to LINK to the major prophecies in front of us today is like a traffic cop directing everyone to drive blindly down a side street.
The cop himself never points to, never mentions, nor even 'sees' that the other street right in front of everyone is, in fact, the exact and obvious MAJOR ROAD to take. Yet, he continues to stand boldly in the forefront holding himself up as the ultimate 'traffic cop' in charge. Later, all the drivers dis- covered that he not only 'misdirected' the people, but in fact, he was no 'real' cop at all, but only dressed himself up as one.
4. ONLY FALSE PROPHETS Neglect God's Children [ true prophets will 'equip the saints' ]
There are many different ways to properly care for a child and to avoid neglecting him. 2 categories could cover most if not all of them. Namely, properly 'overseeing' and 'feeding' that child. These 2 categories are scriptural and REQUIRED to be carried out faithfully by every 5-Fold leader or 'prophet' of God in charge of God's children. The 8 men named above fail in both of these required categories.
This is another key section for the body of Christ to remember in order to 'see' and to discern quickly today's so-called 'Christian' ministers and TV preachers in the true light for who they really are, or are not.
God's children, the body of Christ, are His #1 interest and priority in all of His creation. And, every true prophet and true 5-Fold minister of God will know this and will also have God's children as his own #1 interest and priority. Again, a true Christian Minister and 'prophet' will not fail to properly 'Over- see' God's children and also 'feed' them properly.
If any so-called 5-Fold Leader fails in either of these serious requirements from God then that Church leader/minister is NEGLECTING GOD'S CHILDREN.
According to the Lord Himself, NEGLECTING GOD'S CHILDREN is an eternal error for any leader/minister who holds himself/ herself up in front of the body of Christ. Why? Because that minister is neglecting the very TOP PRIORITY which God charged him to 'oversee' and take care of.
Jesus SPECIFICALLY clarified an extreme fate for so-called 'Christian' leaders of the End Times who neglect God's children. Again, He said this at the end of His discourse on the End Times as recorded in Matthew 24.
He likened all those in the End Times who hold themselves up as Christian ministers as either feeding His household 'their food at the proper time', or not. [Math 24:45].
Those true 5-Fold Leaders [apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers] who are found doing so when Christ returns, He profiled as the 'faithful and sensible' slaves. They proved 100% 'faithfulness' to God in uprightness and also 100% faith- fulness in overseeing and caring for His #1 priority: His children.
These 'faithful' servants were nourishing the body of Christ with the meat of the 'Word' and the things of the Spirit in the End Times, which make God's children upright, Christlike, aware, strong and ready for Christ's imminent return as He repeatedly instructed. 'Blessed is that slave [End Time Leader] whom his Master [the Lord Jesus] finds so doing when He comes', Jesus said. [Math 24:46]
However today, the general group [99%] of today's popularized TV ministries, Church leaders and flashy TV preachers in America are failing in 'giving' God's children 'their food at the proper time'. Again, this is because of their collective blindness to 'see all these things' right in front of this generation.
So far, this places them into the opposite profile of End Time leaders who Jesus profiled as the 'wicked and lazy slave'. [Math 24:48-51].
Think for a moment of your favorite TV preachers and pop- ularized TV Mega-Church ministers who come to mind. When was the last time you heard him/her specifically emphasize with bold 100% confidence about the 'Return of Christ' or the 'Nearness of Christ' being near to this generation right now ? Mostly, you haven't.
Except for a rare few, 99.9% of today's Church leaders and TV ministers across America FAIL to even bring these crucial topics up. Today's so-called 8 prophets of the Elijah List ALSO FAIL COMPLETELY the Lord's requirement of 'giving them their food at the proper time'.
In Christ's parable, those so-called 'Christian' ministers who were NOT found attending to His flock and NOT 'giving them their food at the proper time' were labeled as 'wicked and lazy' slaves since they NEGLECTED to 'feed' God's children.
Jesus noted that their failure to announce to God's people the imminent return of Christ [ which is TODAY'S 'food at the proper time' ] was PROOF that the Master's very return, to them, was unimportant and 'not coming for a long time.' [Math 24:48].
These kind, Jesus said, will be assigned to a place where 'hypocrites', 'weeping' and 'gnashing of teeth' will be. [Math 24:51]. This re-emphasizes the serious and extreme responsi- bilities God has placed upon His called Leaders. Those who hold themselves up as such but fail the test face the greatest judgement before God.
The Apostle Paul also expounded on Jesus' requirement of 'giving food at the proper time' to God's people. Paul charged every true 5-Fold minister to 'equip the saints'. [Eph 4:12]. One quick way for believers to discern how well any particular minister 'equips the saints' is by looking closely at his teaching 'topics'.
Here again, although God's children today are thirsting for the deep truths of God's Word, 99% of today's general body of popular TV ministers and Church Leaders unanimously can be heard all day giving irrelevant, watered-down, elementary and ear-tickling messages which completely leave out the VITAL 'food' crucial for today's End Times as required by the Lord.
This fact proves the bulk of today's TV ministers, mega-church Pastors and so-called 'prophets' as FAILING in these categories of properly 'overseeing' God's children and properly 'feeding' and 'equipping' His children.
Keeping all of this in mind, then these 8 men totally fail as 'prophets' since they've FAILED to give God's children 'their food at the proper time'. In fact, they've not even given God's children a crumb, for 20-30 years now, by virtually not 'seeing' nor announcing to God's people ANY of the crucial topics which the Lord Jesus emphatically instructed End Time believers to be sharply alerted to. From the Lord's perspec- tive this is neglect of the most extreme kind.
5. Deceptiveness in their 'prophecies'
In addition to fooling millions into believing they are 'prophets', these 8 men also fool many in their 'prophecies'. They are sophisticated in their deceptive patterns which are identified here.
When it comes to their actual 'prophesying' itself these 8 men have proven to be only elementary and deceptive as talked about below. In fact, whether these men are 'prophesying' to others personally in a church service or attempting to 'prophesy' about America or the world events, then they only operate in the first-level of 'prophesying'.
Most true Spirit-filled believers know that going through this first-level of 'learning to prophesy' is definitely scriptural. It is mostly used to exhort others, edify and comfort others. The Apostle Paul said 'all' believers can operate this way. [1 Cor 14:1,3,5 ]. However, if a person only operates in this first-level, as do these 8 false prophets, then they are most definitely NOT 'prophets', but only novices at best.
This fact of these 8 men being 'novices' plus their 100% failures to 'see all these things' [or see any of them] on the largest prophetical scope, emphatically confirm them as 'false prophets' altogether.
But, the body of Christ must remember that although true prophets will definitely have accurate prophecies, so can false prophets as demonstrated by the evil-spirited prophetess within the Apostle Paul's own ministry. [Acts 16:16-18].
From Paul's perspective, it was not this woman's accurate 'prophecy' which 'greatly annoyed' him [Acts 16:18] nor even the fact that her prophecy was as elementary and obvious as it could be, saying 'These men are bond-servants of the Lord and proclaiming the way of salvation.'
What 'annoyed' Paul was that this prophetess was constantly 'for many days' hindering God's people from focusing on the Lord Jesus to become saved. Her pattern distracted people's attention from seeing and hearing the truths of God. Paul discerned that only a devil would have that kind of de-termined interest, even under the guise of being a prophetess.
In the same way, these 8 false prophets have a proven track record of distracting God's people's attention from the most critical truths which Christ Himself forewarned all of His followers to watch for and to 'see'.
Also like Paul, many Spirit-filled believers in America who have watched these 8 men have had the same sense of being 'annoyed' in observing their continual distractions to the body of Christ 'for many days'. Namely, 20 - 30 years.
Since these 8 false prophets are totally blind to the MAJOR prophecies and 'all these things' lined up RIGHT NOW in today's End Times, then it's no wonder that they have need to grasp and reach for new ideas to hold up as their 'prophecies' and 'words from the Lord'. This only fuels their errors.
However, like the prophet Jeremiah foretold, "IF they had stood in the council of God', then they would have heard directly from Him and would have 'announced' His truths to His people. Their failure to stand in God's presence and without diligence in His Word on the critical MAJOR prophecies spoken by the Lord and the Bible prophets, has resulted in their proven crafty patterns listed below.
GENERALIZATIONS: A prime pattern for these 8 men and for most of their downline and associate 'prophets' at the Elijah List is to make 'generalized' and/or nebulus state- ments which allow for total open-ended interpretations. Then, if and when any event happens later which even remotely appears to 'match' their 'prophecy', then these 8 men are found jumping right back up into the forefront and taking the credit as they themselves are typically their own best 'interpreter' of their own prior 'prophecies'. This is a total 'shell-game' which God's unsuspecting people have bought hook-line-and-sinker.
Anyone who spends just 10 minutes at ElijahList.com will immediately recognize this pattern of generalizations. As I've emphasized, they also dish out 'accurate' teachings or proph- ecies at times but are always elementary and left open-ended since their 'prophecies' and 'words from the Lord' DO NOT specifically LINK in any way with the specific big picture.
These 8 men also are experts at usually decorating their gen- eralizations and 'prophecies' with spiritual sounding titles and buzzwords. But, trying to track the accuracy of their prophecies is the 'shell-game' because of the nebulus and generalized nature of them. How can anyone 'track' or confirm a generalization ? But, these false prophets 'can'.
Some types of wide-open phrases circulating TODAY in their 'prophecies' are 'a Season of change', 'a Season of prosperity', 'a Shift is coming', 'Winds of change are blowing', 'God is getting ready to do something', etc, etc.
Chuck Pierce and Kim Clement who are the most recognizable TV personalities to Evangelicals can be seen constantly with their writing or speaking out of so many nebulus 'prophecies' that most of them just fall to the side and become forgotten.
In contrast, the true MAJOR PROPHECIES which Jesus said to 'see' in today's End Times are not generalized ramblings, but SPECIFIC events and prophecies which will NOT fall to the side or become forgotten. In fact, they have now increased
to global clarity as the Bible foretells for today's gen- eration which is already beginning to 'see all these things'.
SETTING DATES: Many times Pierce and Clement and the other false prophets are crafty as they name a certain time frame or month for something to happen. Again, their tricki- ness is that the very content of their 'prophecy' is so generalized, nebulus and open-ended that it allows full liberty for these men to either grab something which might occur and resemble their 'prophecy' or just let the prophecy drop to the side if they so choose.
Cleary, most of their 'prophecies' drop out of the mix since they are elementary, don't come to pass and DO NOT have any specific LINK whatsoever to the concrete MAJOR proph- ecies and events right in front of this generation.
For example, they might say, 'In the months of October and November a major shift will come to California, affecting millions.'
Although this sounds specific by naming the months and even naming a location, the prime content [ 'a major shift' ] of the 'prophecy' is generalized. Then, if for example anything at all were to actually happen during those months, like an earth-quake, then these false prophets' proven pattern will be to immediately jump right back into the limelight, like on Trinity Broadcasting Network, patting themselves on the back as the 'prophet' who 'predicted the earthquake of California'. A total hoax.
On the other hand, if nothing were to happen in California of which these 8 men could apply to their generalization or 'stick under one of their shells', then the 'prophecy' is forgotten about or lost in their ongoing assembly line of 'prophecies'.
As a result over the years of the viewing audiences not being privy to their 'shell-games', then understandably Evangelicals and unsuspecting observers have marveled at the 'specific' prophecies conjured up by these self-sent hucksters.
But, as mentioned earlier, God is not mocked. The body of Christ and unbelievers in America and worldwide are already begin- ning to have their eyes opened to 'see all these things' which the Lord forewarned to watch for on the largest global scope prophetically. Even though 8 so-called 'prophets' can't 'see' ANY of them.
6. SUMMARY - examples:
Although many specific areas where these 8 men immediately strike out as 'prophets' have already been identified in this letter, there are countless more examples demonstrated by them over the last 20-30 years. The few final examples below show more errors on their part, their producing of harm to God's people and misdirection to the body of Christ.
Clement and Pierce are also the most recognizable in their constant public self-boastings about 'being a prophet'. This pattern in itself immediately fails true Christlikeness since the mature 'love' of Christ 'does not brag' and is 'not arro- gant'. [1 Cor 13:4]. This is a huge failure on ANY minister's part which proves he needs go back and first mature as a 'believer', before he holds himself up as a 5-Fold Leader. These 8 men fit exactly into this profile.
The body of Christ is about to 'see' that many of today's popular TV Ministers, Mega-church Pastors and flashy ear-ticklers are failing miserably in demonstrating Christlikeness and maturity since His love 'does NOT act unbecomingly', 'is not arrogant' and 'does not brag' as is seen in so many 'Christian' ministers.
Cockiness is also an obvious trait of arrogance seen greatly in today's worldly-minded ministers and so-called 'prophets' and 'prophetesses'. However, nothing about Christ is cocky which immediately speaks loudly, again, about today's ministers' failure to demonstrate Christlikeness and His 'love'. Some of the cockiest personalities on the TV airwaves are today's 'Christian' ministers.
No true prophet of God will be found failing Christ's #1 trait of 'love' which, Jesus stated, proves who are His true 'Disciples'. [John 13:34,35]. Virtually, the arrogance of these 8 men who 'think more highly of themselves than they ought' as 'prophets' also immediately shows their failure of being even a true 'Disciple' of Christ, much less a 'prophet'. [Rom 12:3]. [Links below]
How big of a failure is this by today's so-called 'prophets' and '5-Fold Ministers' and TV preachers who misrepresent Christ's nature to America and the world ?
FALSE PROPHECIES, blindness and a self-serving nature
One of the recent blunders on Kim Clement's part was in the earlier months of 2008 on TBN. Clement stood on stage announcing emphatically that 'there will be NO RECESSION in America!'. However, only months later in mid-September America's worst economic collapse since the Great Depression kicked in and still goes on today, and globally. TBN simply swept this to the side as usual and continues to allow this prime huckster prime time amongst God's Evangelical body of Christ, the 'elect'. Clement's 'shell-games' and 'self-boasting' are countless. Any unbecoming loud-mouthed cocky nature, as Clement's, fails true Christlikeness since love 'does NOT act unbecomingly' and 'is not arrogant'. [1 Cor 13:4, 5].
On October 30, 2009 Kim Clement had 30 minutes as the only guest on Paula White's program with her initial question addressing America and the world's situation prophetically. As always, Clement made no reference whatsoever to ANY End Time prophecies for the entire 30 minutes. Also as usual, his ramblings about being a 'prophet' and self-boastings were Clement's favorite topics telling White, "At times during prayer I prophesy to myself telling myself how great I am. I also remind God of all the great things I've done." Clement's arrogance is exactly what got satan thrown out of heaven. Try to picture the Apostle Paul or Jesus before God in prayer saying these kind of words.
Most recently in October 2009, John Paul Jackson spent 30 minutes on Sid Roth's TV program and demonstrated total nebulus garble about what's coming to this world and to America. As always with these 8 false prophets, NOT 1 WORD was mentioned of ANY of the Major Prophecies ready for ful- fillment today including the topic of the 'Nearness of Christ'.
At one point when asked by Roth to be specific about the 'underground tunnels the Lord showed him', Jackson stated that he wasn't sure and then began speculating about what it all meant. No true prophet of God would be confused about what God showed him and, worse, recklessly spread that confusion to others. Plus, the Lord has much greater priorities like winning souls, readying His people and opening eyes globally to 'all these things' pointing to His Return, than showing a so-called 'prophet' about nebulus 'underground tunnels' which he doesn't understand anyway.
Chuck Pierce's recent appearance on TBN in 2009 lasted for 20 minutes. As usual, not 1 word was uttered about ANY of the Major Events or Major prophecies foretold for these End Times of which Jesus forwarned to 'see'. Like the other false prophets of Elijah List, the topic of 'the Nearness of Christ' or 'His Return' was nowhere to be found in Pierce's speech.
Pierce's only topics were about the many countries he's trav- eled to, his new books which are able to be purchased and his 'word from the Lord' which generalized the 'shift coming'. As is his pattern like Kim Clement and the other false prophets, Pierce peppered his speech from beginning to end with self-boasting word-bytes which are craftily intended to remind the audience that he himself is the 'prophet' and 'seer'. As typical, the unsuspecting audience cheered the total self-promotion by Pierce.
One of Bob Jones' 'seeing' experiences is his attributing of an evil spirit as being an 'angel from God'. No true prophet of God or 'seer' would misinterpret a demonic force as obvious as this example as being from God. Jones has described it as a female-like angel slowly floating up and down the isles at past church gatherings. Not only did Jones respectully name her 'Emma', but convinced others, like his prodigy Todd Bentley, to also believe it. Untold numbers of unsuspecting believers have been contaminated by Jones' evil interpretations which cause confusion and blindness to the truth. Still, Jones is kept within the circles of these false prophets and Elija List.com and hailed as the 'seer' even with his recently admitted 'fondling' of women.
As mentioned previously at the beginning of this letter, a huge example of these 8 men's folly and error is their endorsing of Todd Bentley, the proven and admitted alcohol-drinking huckster. It bears repeating that only false prophets like these 8, could possibly be this blind as to endorse and send out as an evangelist a wolf in sheep's clothing. Worse, is their continued association with Bentley as Rick Joyner the 'apostle' carries out his 'restoring' process. All of this directly opposes God's Word which instructs believers to 'avoid' such a person. [1 Cor 15:33; 1Cor 5:11; 2 Thess 3:6].
Not only are Rick Joyner, Chuck Pierce, Peter Wagner and Bob Jones STILL blind to their original mistake of endorsing Bentley, but they are in the determined process NOW to REPEAT the same error. Only false prophets could possibly be this blind to continually make these kinds of major errors in judgement and then to recklessly heap these neglectful decisions upon God 's children, His 'elect'.
It is time now for these and other hirelings amongst the body of Christ to be spotlighted by truth. As the Lord forewarned for today's End Times, 'See to it that no one misleads you.'
'See to it that no one misleads you.' [Math 24:4]
'And many false prophets will arise and will mislead many.'
[Math 24:11]
'For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.' [Math 24:24]
'The anger of the Lord will not turn back, Until He has performed and carried out the purposes of His heart; In the last days you will clearly understand it. I did not send these prophets, But they ran. I did not speak to them, But they prophesied. But, if they had stood in My council, Then they would have announced My words to My people, And would have turned them back from their evil way, And from the evil of their deeds.' [ foretold by Jeremiah the prophet / Jer. 23:20-22 ]
[*Among countless false prophetical voices being heard today, these are also: Steve Muncie, Hank Kunneman, Rod Parsely, Mike Murdock, Lance Wallnau, Mark Chirronna, etc.]
------------ end 'Today's False Prophets' and the Elijah List / Nov 5, '09
Final Bible Prophecies: 'See all these things' >>>