Joyce Meyer
Billy and Franklin Graham
*All of these FAMOUS PEOPLE are publicly vocal as 'believers' in Jesus. Yet...
all of them (except for 11) have speech, attitudes & character which are cocky,
worldly & unbecoming, which fail true Christlikeness.
'Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord", will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven.' [Math.7:21].
And, 'Why do you call Me "Lord" and do not the things which I say?' [Luke 6:46].
'The one who says he abides in 'Jesus' ought himself to walk in the same manner in which He walked.' [1John 2:6].
The 'love' of Christ and true Christ-likeness in a believer

In these End Times, more than ever before, it is time that 'believers' in Christ prove their Christ- ianity by demonstrating the love of Christ. Jesus Himself stated that 'love' is the ultimate deci- ding factor, of all Biblical criteria, which confirms a true Disciple of Christ Jesus. He said, ''Love one another, even as I have loved you; by this love all men will know that you are My disciples.' [John 13:34,35]. This is a huge requirement from the Lord Himself to ALL believers.
Today, many who 'believe' in Jesus are publicly vocal about 'believing'. Yet, their worldly speech, unbecoming behavior, un-Christlike attitude and disrespect towards others bring a ter- rible reproach upon the Lord, distorts true Christianity and stumbles others from recognizing true Christlikeness and even Christ Himself. This includes everyday 'believers', famous people, celebrities, sports stars, politicians and even TV pulpit ministers themselves.
For example, a 'believer' who demonstrates arrogance, impatience towards others or unbecom- ing speech or behavior is already failing in the Lord's #1 commandment. Many TV preachers today who fail in demonstrating Christ's 'love' in their character, speech and attitude towards others are in a dangerous place spiritually as Jesus forewarned.
The solution is found in the written Word of God. The Apostle Paul presented 2 powerful check- lists of God's love, itemizing exactly what God's love 'is', and what it 'is not' in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 and Galatians Chapter 5:16-26. For every believer who thirsts to become more like our Lord Jesus then this criteria can immediately help a believer begin examining himself and lining up with true Christlikeness. This way, a 'believer' can make sure he is truly demonstrating Christ's 'love' in himself and towards all others, which is pleasing in the sight of God. Otherwise, that particular 'believer' is simply a 1st-base 'believer' who is saved by grace and by God's mercy according to John 3:16, yet he will arrive in heaven likely having made a mockery of our Lord Jesus to others while here during his/her life, possibly even having been a stumbling block.

Dwight & Zonelle Thompson

Love is kind [ie. caring, courteous, mannerly]
Love is patient
Love does not brag
Love is not arrogant [nor cocky, worldy, flippant, rude, loud-mouthed]
Love does not act unbecomingly [in behavior or speech or attitude]
character never projects condemnation or disrespect towards others
character is ALWAYS one of peace, humility, kindness, self-control & respect towards all others
[found in 1 Cor.13:1-8 / Gal.5:16-26]
Today's Christian Ministers:
Typically today, many preachers truly speak the truth, yet the New Testament says to 'speak the truth in love'. [Eph.4:15], If any so-called 'Christian' leader is found failing in Christ's #1 commandment which is 'love', then that leader is unqualified to stand in the forefront to lead God's people. That particular leader is now failing in two ways: as a 'believer' who has not grown into maturity AND as a 'leader' who God's word requires to be 'above reproach' before standing in the office of 'leader'. [1Timothy 3:1,2].
Even the devil can 'speak the truth'. Even 'demons believe'. [James 2:19]. However, only a mature Christ-like believer will speak the truth and always project Christ's 'love' at the same time from his heart towards all others which is the ultimate proof that we are 'disciples' of the Lord Jesus Christ. [John 13:34,35].
Of the above 'believers' in Christ, only 11 prove themselves as having grown into maturity in Christ's 'love', humility, kindness, patience and respect towards all others at all times, as a consistent pattern of life. The others are failing Christ's 'love' defined in the Bible. The 11 who are Christlike are ID'd by pointing at their pic. A true Disciple's heart will love them all and continue to pray for them to know Christ more intimately.
Terry Bradshaw
TV/Sports Celeb