[ and Chapter Summaries ]
Chapter 1
The Coming Global Spiritual Awakening
[Shines a sobering spotlight on how the spiritual state of today's world is exactly in line with End Time prophecies. Also detailed is the magnitude of where today's spirituality is speedily headed & its near-future culmination in an unprecedented spiritual awakening experienced commonly by every person on the face of the earth.]
Chapter 2
End Time Believers: Those who have Insight
[God's people have been foreordained to be the first ones to receive key insights & understanding depicted in scriptures to be vital in the perilous End Times ahead. Also clarified is how God's End Time plan will be fulfilled in those bond-servants who carry out these insights in the coming days & in the face of the fast-approaching 'start' of the Final 7 Year Tribulation period.]
Chapter 3
Discerning Today's Christian Leaders & TV Ministers
[Eye-opening pinpoint discernment & profiling of today's Christian Leaders & popular TV Ministers unmasks unqualified church Leaders & actual false prophets & prophetesses seen within the body of Christ. This insight is made so clear that most anyone can begin recognizing 'who's who' amongst today's so-called Christian ministers in America so as not to be misled.]
[The black & white Biblical criteria regarding Leadership Requirements are presented & provide a piercingly clear picture of the 'bullseye profile' of what a true Christian Leader must match. In contrast, the detailed contradictions of many of today's ministers reveal the stunning reality of what Americans are really observing in the forefront of today's churches & TV pulpit ministers.]
[Identifies America's exact current spiritual status before God & specifically states God's ultimate prophetical call & requirement to America today. Numerous historic efforts by God to warn our country are also cited confirming His clear intentions for the USA in these End Times.]
[Details the religious evil that pervades globally today & its origins. Frames 'how & why' evil has so successfully infiltrated today's Christian churches & will increasingly do so in the prophetical days ahead worldwide. Also profiled is the devil's final religious deception to this world which has already unfolded on the world's unsuspecting stage today exactly as scriptures foretell.]
[A powerful prophetic picture detailing the next things to occur globally, the specific End Time purpose for God's people and the imminent & final move of God on this earth.]
*About the book:
Non-Fiction/Prophecy: Critical End Time topics essential to grasp in the unparalleled foretold times ahead are framed clearly for both believers & unbelievers. A sobering & illuminated understanding of the nearness & magnitude of forthcoming events is quickened to the reader.
Vital Biblical prophecies which most authors & ministers today either shy away from, have mishandled and/or are still pondering are crystallized in this book with riveting & pinpoint clarity including: the nearness of the 'start' of the 7 Year Tribulation, the coming judgements & wrath of God, the timing [not the day or hour] of the rapture, the perilous times coming for believers, the profiling & unmasking of today's unqualified Leaders & false ministers in the forefront of today's churches & TV ministries, the final world deception of the devil which is already present in today's unsuspecting generation, America's future & the exact prophetical word to the USA today vs. the false prophecies spreading through the body of Christ, God's specific purpose & plan for His children now & in the coming days and the final & divine move of God in this earth.
Over 26 years of diligence in Bible prophecy by the author [former Pastor & Prison minister] fuel the sharp prophetical truths & discernments made in this eye-opening book & are backed by scriptural references packed in each chapter.
End Time Prophetic Insight / Copyright 2007 / US Library of Congress / Copying, printing, emailing or distribution
of this Copyrighted material is prohibited by U.S. Copyright Laws.