1000 years / Christ on earth
Return of Christ to earth

The Great White Throne Judgement occurs right after the 1000 year period of Christ's reign on earth. At this judgement ALL PEOPLE who have ever been born into this world will stand directly before God who sits on His Throne and will be judged for their lives and 'deeds' in life. [Rev.20:12,13]
The exception to this will be all persons who had already accepted Jesus as Savior & Lord. These children of God will be present at the Judgement although they will NOT BE judged since they had already accepted being purchased by the shed blood of Christ at the cross in Jerusalem.
The ultimate purpose of this FINAL JUDGEMENT will be for God to separate ONCE AND FOR ALL those who are His own children from those who have rejected Him and who also had rejected His Only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
How will those be judged who had NEVER HEARD about Jesus ?
God will ultimately judge righteously & mercifully and by His ALL-KNOWING nature & presence. Not only will He judge the overall 'deeds' of a person's best efforts in life, but God will ultimately KNOW whether each person would have virtually accepted Christ Jesus or not, had that person had the TRUE opportunity to do so.
For ALL THOSE who God knows would have truly 'accepted' His Son had they truly had the knowledge to do so, then God mercifully will interpret these persons as His eternal children AND qualfied to enter into His presence forever as one of HIs own children. He will deem them as worthy through His mercy & the shed blood of Christ at the cross who saved & ALSO purchased them. Their 'deeds' will be judged as good.
However, for all those who God knows would still NOT have accepted His Son had they had the opportunity, then they & their proven 'deeds' will cause them to be separated for eternity from God's presence. [ Rev 20:12, 13 ]
What about those who 'heard' the Gospel, but knowingly 'rejected' Christ Jesus ?
Also, all those had actually 'heard the story of the cross of Jesus the Savior & Lord' PLUS had the opportunity to truly make a virtual decision during their own lives to accept Him yet they still knowingly & conciously chose to reject Him, these will also be separated from God forever at this time.
'Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his ways, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; And let him return to the Lord, And He will have mercy on him; And as to our God, He will abundantly pardon.' [Isaiah 55:6,7]
Great White Throne Judgement
The awesome love and mercies of God are shown at the:
God does all things by His nature of love and mercies, including His final great judgement:
God is love. [1John 4:8]
Greek word "love" = immeasurable "feast of charity and affection and generosity".
[ IE. "God SO loves...." us.. / Jesus / John 3:16 ]
White Throne Judgment - YouTube