Dear brothers-sisters in Christ, global friends:
What is coming quickly now to this world is the greatest event in world history, besides the 1st appearance of God Himself who walked this earth in the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.
Namely, the 2nd physical coming of Christ to this earth. The entire universe will see Him and His glorious Return. The 2nd judgement upon earth will precede it.
For bonafide believers TODAY who "know their God" [Daniel 11:32] these are the most exciting times to be alive in AND to witness in 2000 years, since Jesus walked the earth!
Like America, the Old Testament man of God, JOB, was far wealthier & more blessed than all in his era. Then, the worst tragedies ever came to him: storms, fires, family deaths, devastating tornadoes, wiping out everything he possessed. Yet JOB still praised & exalted God to the very end. [Job 1:13-22]
But, even GREATER natural disasters, economic downturn and political turmoil are STILL coming to USA, even through 2011 & 2012.
WHY? So that God's people and all of America will turn to Him again [ 2 Chronicles 7:14 ], returning to Him as our 1st love [Rev 2: 4] and helping each other in TRUE CHRISTLIKENESS in these peri- lous times, which will quickly grow worse for America, even globally.
The Lord's words are the very promise to those who hear and obey God's voice today, saying the ones: "who have not soiled their garments will walk with Me in white robes, for they are worthy." [Rev 3:4]
America's BLIND Ministers and 'prophets'
Our obedience to His Word and our true Christlikeness which demonstrates His love to all persons, are what prove ourselves as true 'Disciples' of Christ. [John 13:34,35]
It is in the Spirit of Christ to have our 'game faces' on at this CRUCIAL period in world history. As opposed to 99% of America's top TV Ministries [ ie. TBN, Daystar ] , TV Preachers, popular pulpit speakers and so-called 'prophets', who UNANIMOUSLY DO NOT even so much as mention ANY of 'all these things' which Christ specifically instructed His followers to watch for, which are lined up TODAY. [Matthew 24:33]
Most [99%] of America's Ministers are too busy trying to build a name for themselves and be recognized publicly as the 'great man or woman of God', rather than 'equipping the saints' [Ephes 4:12] and blowing the TRUMPET of alarm and readiness as are the KEY requirements of all of God's true Overseers of His flock. [Ezek 33:1-7]
Today's TV pulpits in America bring a great reproach upon the Lord with their unChristlikeness, worldliness in speech & behavior, cocky attitudes, self-serving false prophecies, and their shallow ear-tickling messages which lull God's people to sleep, keeping the body of Christ in lukewarmness. [Rev 3:16]
The prophet Jeremiah rightly foretold of today's End Time 'false prophets' and 'wicked' [Jer 23:11] self-serving Shepherds of whom God foretold: "In the last days you will clearly understand it. I DID NOT send these prophets, but they ran. I DID NOT speak to them, but they prophesied. But if they had stood in My council, then they would have announced My Words to My people, and would have turned them back from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds." [Jeremiah 23:20-22]
"Even so, you too, when you see ALL these things, KNOW He is near, even right at the door." [Matthew 24:33]